Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Kathy Griffin was wrong!

By John Stallings

Recently comedian Kathy Griffin received an Emmy & when she accepted it she made the following statement;

A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. Hell has frozen over. -------it Jesus! This award is my God now.”

I could be wrong but I would think most anyone with two brain cells to rub together would agree that what she said was at least asinine & at worst blasphemous. Poor Kathy, as she so often is was wrong. Her most recent claim to fame is a little television show properly called “Life on the D list” so we know from that she’s at least realistic about her talent. There were complaints about her comments so they were bleeped from the final cut of the show, but I’m sure Hollywood dismissed it as an innocuous joke.

In truth, Jesus has everything to do with Kathy’s winning that award. Here’s why Kathy was wrong.

Jesus died on the cross 2,000 years ago. His dying words were, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He died & was buried in a rock-cut tomb & after three days He rose from the dead.

After Jesus’ resurrection Christianity took off like wildfire. It spread eastward to Europe & westward to Africa. In about 300 B.C Constantine accepted Christianity & it became the religion of Europe. Rome soon became the seat of religion & after several years of human failings not the least of which were the Crusades & the Inquisition, to name two, the Reformation came.

When the foundation for the government of the new nation called America was formed, the Bible was used to lay that foundation. The Bible was mentioned in 94% of the foundation-era documents & 34% of them directly quote the Bible. The Bible is responsible for the freedoms we enjoy & among them is freedom of speech. Equality for all, especially women is & has been enjoyed everywhere the Bible has been preached & adhered to, & in those places devoid of Bible influence, i.e. Muslim countries, women are treated like possessions.

So Kathy, your freedom to win that Emmy & say what you said publicly is directly attributable to the man who died on that cross 2,000 years ago.

You owe Jesus an apology girl.


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