Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I hold these truths to be self evident.

By John Stallings

1. Two-thousand one hundred ninety one days ago our nation suffered the most horrendous tragedy ever witnessed on our shores.

2.Spurred by 9/11/01 our nation truly lived up to our name, the United States of America, the world’s greatest superpower.

3. On this day of remembrance, President George W. Bush is given scant credit or even mention. I believe he has had clear priorities & contrary to what his predecessor did, he rightly declared war on terrorism everywhere.

4. Our President has made mistakes like any other human being, the most glaring of which in my opinion is the giant door of invitation which stands mostly open on our nations southern flank. However he has been right in seeing the murderous mullahs as the largest danger for America & the Western world. Were it not for the programs instituted under Bush i.e. The Patriot Act etc, there would beyond doubt be terrorist’s bombs going off across our beloved land today.

I believe Bush has done everything he could to prevent nuclear proliferation & his policies are continuing to gain success. I’m grateful to him for not continually sticking his political finger in the wind & for not being led by the nose by The United Nations.

5. I believe sadly that on this day of remembrance, our beloved land is The Divided States of America.

6. I believe that the Bush Derangement Syndrome has so gripped a large segment of the nation that a voice speaking up for him sounds strange, somewhat like a voice crying in the wilderness.

7. Though its terrifically painful to say it, accept for the grace of God America will be hit again by terrorism & this time it will be so horribly unspeakable that it will dwarf 9/11/01 & I’m afraid it could involve America’s greatest treasure our children, & several grade schools across the country. I so deplore the thought (O God I pray I’m wrong) that I can’t bear to put it in words but only refer the reader to The Beslan School siege & hostage situation in Russia where 350 people lost their lives in 2004

7. After the next terrorist attack, America will come together for a second time & become The United States of America again. However the unanimity again will not last long & we’ll become The Divided States of America again.

8. I believe that too many of our leaders are drunk with power & care less about the welfare of America than they do personal ambition. A case in point is the treatment of General Petraeus, a man who risks his life in 120 degree heat in Iraq every day, who is testifying in Congress as I write this.

9. I believe that Bush has remained a reliable partner for Israel, the Apple of God’s eye, in its fight for survival. But Ala Israel, God chastens whom He loves & won’t hesitate to take America to the woodshed if we persist in pushing Him from our national public square.

10. I believe that in a few years, maybe after I’m gone to heaven, and the nation has been stricken enough times as to bring her to her knees, by God’s grace our progeny will wake up & declare war once & for all on radical Islamic Fundamentalism & wipe it from the face of the earth, or be destroyed by it.


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