Sunday, September 9, 2007

Have we forgotten 9/11?

By John Stallings

I never write out of my fears but I write this blog with a deep concern about America because I have a feeling that as a nation we’ve gone back to sleep.

It’s been nearly six years since the catastrophic attack on our homeland & it seems to me a large segment of the country now think like Hollywood; that the War on Terror was a big over-adjustment, almost worse than the disease of Islamic terrorism.

Have we forgotten our best experts tell us that another strike will surely come, carried out by people already here or soon to arrive?

I hope I’m wrong but it seems that many people think the lull we’ve seen over the last six years is the same as a guarantee of peace & safety. For a moment think back at the foiled attacks in the last year or two; Foiled targets such as Fort Dix in New Jersey, the Sears Tower in Chicago, The Brooklyn Bridge, JFK Airport in New York and the New York Stock Exchange.

A recent poll of young Muslim-Americans tells us one in four of them would gladly strap on a bomb to defend the “honor of Islam.”

Two things seem certain; one: There are plenty of Islamic terrorists in the United States right now to do horrendous damage to our country. And two: We are dangerously shortsighted & apathetic about the ongoing threat they pose.

Have we forgotten?

All the while Islamic-American organizations & those sympathetic to them are busy filing civil liberty lawsuits against anyone who would even dare to report suspicious activities aboard an airliner filled with people, or anywhere for that matter. A vote in Congress recently squeaked by, protecting Americans from lawsuits if they report suspicious activity of any kind. In the Minneapolis incident last fall, “flying imams” called for boycotts of the airline involved in foiling their caper & wanted legislation to stop supposed “anti-Muslim profiling.”

When I look at some of our leaders these days I realize the truth of the saying, “Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.” I pray that the past six years of calm in our nation hasn’t fooled you into thinking the terrorists pose little threat to our homeland. A leading contender for the Democrat nomination for President recently said, “There isn’t a real war on terror.” It’s a wonder this man could hit the ground with his hat if he’s that deceived.

Has he forgotten?

Only last week a jihadist plot to destroy U.S facilities in Germany was thwarted. Before 9/11, we could plead ignorance about any terrorist threat but when we’re hit again what will be our excuse; more naiveté; or worse, politics?

Ladies & gentlemen, all of us, especially we who are Christians need to focus our prayers for our country & the coming storm. The new video which was just released by OBL may have been bogus but there are plenty of his minions who are as full of mindless hate as he is, or was.

What I’m going to say next I don’t say as a prophet or as an especially enlightened man. Common sense tells me that our nation could be hit again on next Tuesday, or some date close to it. If it happens, it will be more costly in terms of human lives than 9/11/01. As you know if New York City is hit again (God forbid) it will have ripple effects that will reach all over the country. Another way of saying it is, “if New York sneezes all of America gets a cold.” Are you prepared with at least 72 hours of food especially non-perishables, gasoline & water? Water is imperative.

A very good email was sent around recently suggesting that we all fly as many flags as possible next Tuesday, the anniversary of 9/11. We plan to do that & I hope you will too.

Do you remember six years ago right after 9/11 how so many flags were visible everywhere? Why don’t we see flags anymore?

Have we forgotten?

Let’s fly the flag for the ones who lost their lives in the worst tragedy that America has ever seen on her shores, & their friends & families. Let’s also fly those flags for the young men & women who are fighting at home & abroad to preserve our precious freedoms.

Together, & with God’s help, we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds.

A great man has said; "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."


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