Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Baby With Four Names

By John Stallings

There are lots of people with three names.

Among them are, Sandra Day-O'Conner, US Supreme Court Judge, Jaquelyn Kennedy Onasis, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Tommy Lee Jones, Billy Bob Thornton, Billy Ray Cyrus, James Earl Jones, and Sara Jessica Parker.

Of course we can’t forget those with one name like Madonna, or Cher or Elvis.

One of the many important decisions confronting new parents is, “What shall we call our baby?” Most new parents spend hours debating this question. We all realize that names matter. Shall the new baby be named after his father, his uncle, a favorite friend? Should he be given a name that happens to be popular at the moment? Or one that simply sounds good?

Charles Phillip Arthur George

Names are important because once you pick out a name the child will be stuck with it for a long, long time! Babies have no voice in the selection of their names. They have to live with them — to live them down or live them up.

Every so often you’ll run across a person with multiple names, such as Charles Phillip Arthur George Windsor. That’s sounds odd until you discover it’s Prince Charles. If you say that’s a heavy load to lay on a baby, remember He’s royalty and He needs a long name.

So it is with Jesus.

Even before His birth, He was a child with many names. The prophet Isaiah, writing 700 years before He was born, prophesied that Messiah would have four names:

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

We know that there are many other names for Jesus; however this verse reveals four of those names. Each one features an aspect of His character. They teach who He is and how He can help us. One of our beloved carols is cast in a plaintive question:

What child is this, who laid to rest, on Mary’s lap is sleeping?”

Listen to Isaiah’s divinely-inspired answer. These four names speak to us about wisdom, power, security, and assurance. The first name is…


Literally this title means “a wonder of a counselor.” It speaks of the wisdom of his plan. The word “wonderful” means “astonishing” or “extraordinary.” The writers of the Old Testament used it for acts of God which man cannot understand. The word “counselor” means “advisor” or “ideal ruler.”

There are several professions that make their living giving advice to others but they can’t claim perfection. Psychiatrists routinely make $150 (and sometimes $350) an hour for their counsel. Much of it is good, some not so good. But the Lord goes to no one for advice. And when anyone comes to him, He gives them the counsel they need.

He is therefore the perfect teacher and the ultimate counselor. This gives us insight into his working. His plans are not our plans, His ways not our ways. He will accomplish things beyond human comprehension and He will do it in ways we cannot fathom. He will do the greatest work ever accomplished and He will do it seamlessly. A violent death would not be man’s way to victory but it was God’s plan and our Lord carried it out perfectly.

As the Wonderful Counselor, He gives great direction to His people. Those who follow him will not walk in darkness but in the blazing light of day. In this tiny baby we see all the wisdom of God wrapped in swaddling clothes. What Child is This? He is the Wonderful Counselor. Then He’s the…


This speaks of the “Power of Accomplishment.” It is first of all a statement of deity. The baby born in the manger is not just the Son of God; He is also God the Son. All the fullness of God dwells in the Lord Jesus Christ. As the ancient creeds declare, He is “very God of very God.”

That can never be said of any mere human baby. Something else is important in this title. The word translated “mighty” is the word gibo, which means “strong one” or “the powerful, valiant warrior.” Thus the term “mighty God is actually a military title. He is the God who fights for his people! At the Incarnation, God took the form of human flesh. That’s why one of his names is Immanuel–God with us.

Now take the first two titles together and what do you have?

As the Wonderful Counselor — He makes the Plans.
As the Mighty God —He makes the plans Work.

All of his wonderful plans will be carried out with all of God’s infinite might. There is in this little baby’s arms flailing around in His crude bassinet all the strength of Deity. The power of God is in those tiny fists. He has strength which is divine. The omnipotence of God is at His command. Whatever He desires, He is able to achieve.

Carl Sagan Meets Jesus

When we meet Jesus, we meet God. If He is not the “mighty God,” then we are deceived and it is blasphemy to worship him. There is no middle ground here.

If He is not God, we are fools to worship Him. If He is God, we are fools not to.

Some time back renowned astronomer Carl Sagan died. He is best remembered for his famous PBS series called “Cosmos” in which he evangelized for his evolutionary views, especially the notion that the universe is billions and billions of years old. He repeatedly said that he didn’t believe in the afterlife. However, he also said he wasn’t an atheist because he didn’t know enough to rule out the possibility of God. I would argue that God never gave a human being the power to be a real atheist, but that’s another article.

Carl Sagan is an evolutionist no longer. And at this moment he is neither an atheist nor an agnostic, for he has met the Mighty God whom he refused to worship in this life. Despite his great learning and his notable achievements, Carl Sagan died a fool’s death because he would not bow before the Babe of Bethlehem.


Banning manger scenes or other Christmas scenes from public places has nothing whatsoever to do with being “politically correct” or offending people of other religions. Let’s do a post-mortem on the real reason some people fight so hard to call Christmas trees “Holiday trees” and say “Season’s greetings,” or “Happy holidays” taking all mention of Christ out of Christmas.

Christmas is the great dividing line of the human race. No wonder some people want all mention of Christmas expunged from our public schools and from our public life, indeed from human consciousness. They understand that Christians believe Christmas is based on the belief that at Bethlehem, God Incarnate slipped out of timelessness into time, to land in the arms of a virgin girl. Now, if this is true, then unbelievers have problems.

When a person says there is no God, rejecting Christianities tenants, they are telling themselves they can live like the devil then die like a dog. How “very nice” for them. They want to believe that at death, that’s it, it’s over. They’ll never be faced with standing before a Holy God being judged based on what they did with their life, and especially what they did with Jesus.

These “atheists” may never darken a church door. They can live their lives and never open a Bible. They never have to even hear the name of God or Jesus Christ except in cursing. But once a year, here comes Jesus again. And that’s every year, for about a month. More toasters will be sold in Jesus’ name than any name in history. More turkey and Ham will be sold in His name and more money will be spent in His name than any other name. The only way these folk could escape it would be to leave the planet.

Now, if they’re not careful they’ll hear Christ’s name coming out of their own mouth, and we couldn’t have that. A manger scene isn’t only about a cute little baby. Who could be offended by that? The entire world loves a baby. But baby Jesus is different. If you accept that manger scene then you’ve got to accept that God exists, the miracle of the virgin birth, and the rest that goes along with it. This is too painful for them because when you extrapolate it out, you’re faced with things like- one day giving account for yourself to God and then issues like what your eternal address will be, - heaven or hell.

If we take out manger scenes and the name of Christ, we’ve erased some of the best gospel preaching imaginable, and to these people that’s a good thing.

In this tiny baby we see the power of God sleeping on Mary’s lap. What Child is this? He is the Mighty God. He is also…


In the Hebrew the phrase is literally “the Father of Eternity.” This speaks of the purpose of his coming.

He is before, above, and beyond time. He is the possessor of eternity. He is eternally like a father to his people. This is not a statement about the Trinity, but about the character of our Lord. All that a good father is, Jesus is to his people.

Because He’s like a father, -caring for his people. Because He owns eternity, He can give us eternal life. That’s so important for those of us who live on this sin-cursed planet. No one lives forever. Sooner or later we will also find our own place in the graveyard. We’re not immortal, but transitory. We’re here today, gone tomorrow. A dead Christ will do us no good. Dying men need an undying Christ.

Here’s a key phrase: He is a father forever! That’s important to me because I had a father, but not a father forever. I had a father, but he is gone now… He was a very good man, but he was not a father forever. . I am father to daughters but not a father forever. I will someday pass away. All human fathers must go. But Jesus is a father forever! He’ll outlast the stars in the heavens.

When our children need anything, we run to help them. If they cry, we go. If they want us, we will come to them. We would never kick them out. They belong to us. They are ours, in a manner of speaking. What we are in a poor way to them, Jesus is in a perfect way to all who believe in Him.

In this tiny baby we see the love of God sleeping in a stable. What child is this? He is the everlasting Father and he’s also…


The phrase literally means “the prince whose coming brings peace” This speaks of the effect of his coming. This final title is the climax of all that has gone before. The word “prince” means something like “General of the Army.” It speaks of his high position. The word “peace” speaks of his basic nature.

Recently I read that there are more wars raging right now than at any time this century. All over globe there are ethnic conflicts and tribal wars. Closer to home not a day goes by without word that someone else has been murdered in America. We see so much killing that it no longer surprises us—or even bothers us.

In Florida where I live, recently a man, embittered because his wife had lost her teaching job went to a school-board meeting intent on killing several school board officials. The video has been played over and over with the warning about its violence. He was a very angry man but thankfully a bad shot and was gunned down by officials. This video will probably go viral on YouTube.
We’re practically immune to violence because we live in a violent world.

Isaiah 9:6 tells us that God’s plan for world peace is focused on a one person—a baby asleep in a manger in Bethlehem. He is the ultimate man of peace.

· In the past, His coming made peace with God*
. In the present, those who come to Him find peace in their heart when Christ comes in.
· In the future, His second coming will usher in a kingdom of peace. There is no peace today. -So much strife and bloodshed. He is not a failure. We are.

Christ is no warrior, no greedy conqueror, and no empire builder. He came to bring peace. He did. He does. He will.

In this tiny baby we see the peace of God welcomed by angels and shepherds. What child is this? He is the Prince of Peace.

In this one verse you have the four names of Jesus. This is what they mean to us today:
If you are confused…He is the Wonderful Counselor.If you are weak…..He is the Mighty God.If you are scared……He is the Everlasting Father.If you are disturbed….He is the Prince of Peace.

You never know what may happen in the world because a baby was born. No doubt the Innkeeper didn’t know who he was turning away. Even Mary couldn’t fully imagine what it all meant that night. But that baby born in Bethlehem has become the centerpiece of human history. We even divide time itself by his coming—B.C. and A.D.

What child is this? He is … the Wonderful Counselor … the Mighty God … the Everlasting Father … the Prince of Peace.

For to us”

The most important part of our verse is the first three words……."For to us” The gift of Christ is a personal gift from God to us. A gift requires a response. If I put a gift under your tree, you may acknowledge it, may admire it, may even thank me for it, but it isn’t yours until you open it and take it for your own.

Why Would God Visit Us?

Mankind has made a total mess of things. We blew our one shot at immortality—and now the graveyards are filling up. But God is not finished with us yet. Go to Psalm 8 and find these words;

“What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?”

David seems to say; why bother with people like us? We ruined Eden, you gave us another chance, and we fouled up so badly that you sent a flood to wipe out the human race except for one family. Why not just hit the delete button on the human race? Why not just admit that this was an experiment that didn’t work out? No one could blame God if He decided to get rid of us all and start over again.

David’s question comes to the very heart of Christmas—What is man that God should pay attention to us? What is man that God should care about us after we’ve failed so miserably? Why should God care about us at all?

The New King James Version renders verse 4 this way: “What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?” Why would God care enough to visit people like us? It is right at this point that we see the glory and wonder and mystery of the gospel.

Jesus visited us to become like us in his nature. That’s the Incarnation. That’s Bethlehem. That’s Christmas. He came into this world as a tiny baby, born in a stable, in an obscure village, born in poverty, unwanted by the world. He was just another face in the crowd. Few knew that He was coming. No one cared that He had arrived. Jesus “had” to do this. In order to truly “visit” us, He had to become like us.

Jesus tasted death because that is our common destiny… Jesus could not have truly “visited” us if He had held himself back from “the last enemy” that confronts us—death. In order to be fully human, He had to taste death. Jesus suffered and died because that was the only way He could save us. Only by dying could He give us life.

Jesus came to restore all that we had lost in Eden. The Bible calls Jesus “the last Adam.” One of the verses of “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” calls him the “Second Adam from above.” He came to reverse the curse that we brought upon ourselves. Now in heaven He is crowned with glory and honor. One day all those who believe in Jesus will share that glory with him.

God said, “I will not leave you alone. I will not let you destroy yourself, each other, and the world I have made. I love you too much to let you alone.” So He sent prophets. We killed them. He wrote letters. We ignored them. He told us how to live—and we said, “Who are you to tell us what to do?” We mocked the God who made us, we broke his laws, we said we didn’t need him, and we made up our own gods that we liked much better because they looked so much like us.

Oh, we made a mess of things. God had every reason to kill us all. But he didn’t. He said, “I love you too much to let you go.” And after we had trashed everything, God said, “I’m coming down there so you’ll know once and for all how much I love you.” We didn’t pay any attention; it didn’t even make sense to us. How could God visit us? But He did—and He came to the world in a very strange way. He entered a virgin’s womb and came out as a baby, born in Bethlehem, a baby named Jesus, born to save us from our sins.

So He came as a baby, and when He grew up, we butchered Him, slaughtered Him and murdered Him on a cross. That’s the thanks we gave to God for visiting us. But we were wrong about everything. After we killed Him, He came back from the dead—proving that He was right all along and we were really wrong—dead wrong about everything—and still God loved us and came from heaven to earth on the greatest rescue mission in history.
He came because we blew it so badly.He came and we killed him.He died and became our Savior.


That’s the good news of Christmas: God has done it all. The only thing left to you and me is to believe. God wrapped up his Son in swaddling clothes and said to the whole world, “This is my Christmas gift to you.”

Someone rightly called Christmas “the happiest holiday.” But it will only be truly happy for those who truly believe in Jesus. I cannot prove to you that what I have said is true. You will have to decide that for yourself. But I can say without any reservation that I have staked my life on the truth that Jesus is the Christ, the incomparable Son of God.

Christmas matters because truth matters. And the heart of the truth is that God did not leave us alone, but in our misery He came to visit us one dark night in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago.

Christmas is all about who we are, and who God is, and how far God will go to reach us.



Friday, November 16, 2012

"These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls..."

By John Stallings

The full sentence helps explain the meaning better:

 These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

 At the time Thomas Paine wrote those words, it looked like we would lose the American Revolution and some people were walking away because times were getting tough. By saying "These are the times that try [or test] men's souls," he was saying...   "This is how we'll see what your spirit is really made of. Do you leave when things look bad, or do you have the courage to stand up for what you believe in?"

Somehow these word seem apropos in this hour.


Pot-heads, sodomites, pro-aborts and all common moochers, are sharing a collective thrill in the afterglow of President Obama’s re-election. Added to that list are Ayman al-Zawahiri, Ayatollah Khamenei, Vladimir Putin and Chris Matthews, as well as millions of others.

Who can deny that the American people by a clear majority have rejected fiscal responsibility, energy independence, national security, border security, and traditional family values. In the mind of many of us Barack Obama’s re-election is a complete political, economic, moral, social and spiritual catastrophe.

However despite the very real implications of America’s bad news, Christians still have substantial hope and reason to remain joyful.

Let’s briefly detail some of the reasons why Christians should rise above the depression and hopelessness that has gripped so many.

In Hebrews 11, we’re encouraged to consider the lives of the faithful saints of old. Some of these men and woman lived very blessed lives and experienced great prosperity. Others suffered terrible hardships. What they all shared, however, was a vision, a hope of “a better country,” a heavenly “city.”

Consider what the Bible has to say concerning Abraham:

“By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.” [Hebrews 11:9-10]

As our “great thinkers” ponder the reasons for the outcome of the election, I notice that many of them postulate that we conservatives have not been sensitive to the minorities, women’s rights, and especially illegal aliens.


Let’s turn this around. In response, though I’ve been a close observer of national politics for well over half a century, and have seen many Liberal defeats, I don’t remember ever hearing them ever so much as hint at the possibility that “we’ve been too strident on the abortion issue” or for that matter any of the issues they hold dear. No matter how many elections they lose, they seemingly have no self-doubts.

 However, they have no inhibitions when it comes to telling conservatives –we’re defeated by our core values.

As sad as it is to watch our great country take such a harsh left-lurch into irresponsibility and outright godlessness, I’d like to remind us that our ultimate and eternal citizenship is not here on earth. We’re to live within this corrupt and perverse age as aliens, foreigners, whose eyes are forever fixed on our true, eternal home. Consider this passage as we imitate these saints of old:

“They admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country – a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.” [Hebrews 11:13-16]

Think about it; anywhere you open the bible you find people who live in nations where they are a minority, and where persecution and hatred of the Godly is common. This is after all, how life was for the early Godly folk. Perhaps our hope has been too focused on this life, on our stuff and our comforts.

Maybe if Americans are made a bit more uncomfortable, we might shift our eyes to the heavenly city, to the country that God is preparing for us. Maybe that’s one plus behind this election catastrophe.

In one of the most well-known prophetic messianic Psalms, we read the following description of what Jesus will accomplish when he returns:

The LORD will extend your mighty scepter from Zion; you will rule in the midst of your enemies. … The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind: ‘You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek. The Lord is at your right hand; he will crush kings on the day of his wrath. He will judge the nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth.’” [Psalm 110:2, 4-6]

One of the primary events that will accompany the return of Jesus as he establishes his messianic kingdom over the earth from Jerusalem is the judgment of the many unrighteous, self-serving and corrupt politicians throughout the whole earth. As the Psalm states, when Jesus returns, before he establishes his kingdom, he will “crush kings on the day of his wrath.”

While some may feel uneasy with this point, personally, I take great comfort in it. Who among us doesn’t truly grieve at the degree of corruption, character assassination, slander, lies and deceit that so many politicians use to acquire and maintain power? The Lord will not allow this to remain unpunished. There is coming a day of justice.

For now, America is governed by a man many of us feel is a truly unrighteous individual, a race-baiter, a divider, a liar, and a destroyer. And while I would not suppose to know anyone’s heart, I do take great comfort in the fact that there is one who knows the hearts of all people and who has promised a day of justice for all of the earth.

So I will continue to stand and fight for this great nation, believing that there is yet hope for repentance, revival and restoration. As I watch this beautiful country slip away and devolve into something almost unrecognizable, I take great comfort in knowing that a heavenly country lies ahead. I have been promised a kingdom, and it is on this kingdom the eyes of my heart are fixed. And even more than the coming kingdom, my eyes of hope are fixed entirely on the coming King.

I wrote a song many years ago called “I’m not letting anybody steal my joy. I’m standing by that.

 Hear this: the present man in office will never have control over my emotions and will do nothing to steal my joy.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” [Romans 15:13]

Be Blessed,


Friday, November 9, 2012

A Short Message About The Election

By John Stallings

As I pondered what to write, & more importantly what, in my opinion we all need to hear right now, I could think of nothing better than to share what God has spoken to my heart.

I need to take a deep breath & be reminded that we’re all in God’s hands & that no matter what; we'll be hidden with Christ in God. Our lives are still in the hands of a never-changing, eternally loving, gracious Father who is sovereign & who still reigns supreme. He will work out His eternal plans no matter who sits in the Oval office.

I need to remind myself that light will always overcome darkness just as in Christ, life will ultimately overcome death.

I need to remind myself that far more important than seeing my candidate triumph, I must continue to be a repairer of the breach & continue to fight the fight of faith.

I need to rest in God & find my strength in Him who has promised to never leave or forsake me, accept by His grace what comes & keep going.

I need to hand-off the heaviness to God because He can carry it. I can’t & I don’t have to.

I need to remind myself that even though the stars fall I can find victory in He who attends the funerals of sparrows & surely, come what may, He can give to me a supple spirit & a singing heart.

So I am calm & will accomplish it one day at a time by continuing to live in that peaceful center, my life in God.

I trust & pray that this will be useful to anyone who’s been suffering from “election overload” or maybe “concern overload,” and, like me have spent more than a little time grieving over the results of the recent election. If you feel that at least for the time being the American dream has been thrown under the bus and replaced with a welfare state, and that America can't possibly survive another four years of Obama, know that you're not alone.

When a large preponderance of folk monitored [exit polls] as they came out of voting machines are asked-to whom do you blame the  problems we've encountered over the last four years, and their answer -"It's the fault of  George Bush,-" what can we look forward to now with a president who specializes in passing the buck. Narcissism takes NO blame!!

When my heart is breaking with grief & sorrow; when my mind is almost numb from trying to answer questions that are beyond my capacity to comprehend; when evil seems to triumph; when goodness & decency are being trampled in the dust; when sneering faces mock me or ugly voices ask; "Where is your God?"....I go to the cross. I remember how they mocked Him. I remember how they hurt Him.

I remember how He died.

I see the dignity of His spirit. I see the strength of one who says: "Nothing you do to me can destroy my life or my love. Nothing you can do can defeat my Father's plan."

 I remember His passion. And I say to those who would mock our faith or ridicule our God: This is where I take my stand: beneath the cross of Jesus. I believe and trust in the One who gave His life & love for the whole world & for me. I place my faith in the One who rose from the dead & removed the stone on Easter morning with the battering ram of omnipotence.

I trust the promises of the One who said: “ I will be with you always.”

Ladies and gentlemen, we have much work to do. We all need to stay engaged in life with a hopeful spirit remembering always that we serve the man who saw the troubled waters congeal under his feet & we’re floating on the great river of God’s grace.

God bless you and God bless America!!!



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why I'll Vote For Mitt Romney

By John Stallings

Boxer Rocky Balboa uttered this choice bit of street wisdom in one of the Rocky movies… “It’s not how hard you can hit, but how hard you can be hit and keep moving forward.”

If ever that bit of wisdom fit, it was in the third Obama/Romney debate. The President landed blow after snarky blow on Romney, but Romney shook them off and moved forward.

I’m still trying to figure out what the look on Obama’s face was all about and it got worse as the evening went on. His cold stare in Romney’s direction wasn’t unlike a “Death Stare.”

Then there was Obama’s occasional smile reminiscent of Joe Biden’s debate with Paul Ryan.

Just about everyone has an “explanation.” for why Mr. Romney took it easy on President Obama in the last debate. Me thinks it was a strategy based on Rocky’s sage advice; “It’s not how hard…well, you know. We’ll soon know if Romney was right to take this advice. In my heart of hearts, I feel he was.

As I watched the three Presidential debates I made a mental note of some of the many things I like about Mitt Romney, that in my view make him very likely to be our next President. Here are a few, not necessarily in order the of their importance…

Romney knows how to dress. I don’t know who gets the credit for this. This I do know; I thought I knew how to dress until I got married. That’s when I was introduced to the term “too busy” a term referring to wrong coupling of plaids and stripes - [I think.] I also learned that people can discern the difference in a black/blue and dark brown sock.

Notice that big, wide smile of Romney’s? One thing our nation's leader needs is a confident smile. A confident smile says, "I know what I'm doing," to the doubters who think Romney would not make a good leader. And his smile also says to the negative world around us, "Let's be peaceful, but don’t be fooled in thinking that niceness is a sign of weakness. Don’t get your name on our list.” I like that in a president.

Mitt Romney is an all-American man. See the American flag in the background? His not being ashamed to pose with our flag is another strong reason that foreign countries would respect him as President of the United States.

Romney looks the part of a president; Smooth, polished, easy to approach from the elite to the lowest. I haven’t yet seen him appear on a public platform with a tacky pair of rumpled britches.  Mitt can “talk the talk, and he can “walk the walk.” I don’t usually compliment men because most of us are rather homely- but I like Mitt’s hairstyle too.

Another thing I like is the timber of his speaking voice. Romney can be serious if need be. Behind that smile, is the face of a serious candidate who wants to rebuild our country.

Romney can also count. His expertise in numbers will go a long way when he’s faced with balancing our budget and other monumental tasks that accompany the Office of The President.

Being good with mathematics is a plus for Mitt. If he knew nothing about numbers, he might embarrass himself in a State of The Union Message. But that is a useless worry. Romney is a numbers man.

Romney has lived a life of faithful commitment to his family and his church. He doesn’t talk about this much, probably because his Mormon faith is unfamiliar to many Americans. Some view it with suspicion. As for me, I’m impressed that Romney lives his faith through service and significant financial contributions, and he apparently demonstrated great caring and compassion as a church leader. As you already know many other great true stories could be told.

Romney will not be moved by the latest polls or the most effective lobbyists. He serves something greater than himself --and it’s important for a President to know that.

Mitt Romney has extensive experience making executive decisions. As governor of Massachusetts and in the private sector, Romney had to make tough choices affecting people’s jobs, lives and futures, preparing him for the world’s highest executive office. Too often Obama has sublet decision- making to Congress/Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi with the bad results we saw in the trillion-dollar “Porkulus bill,” the massive mess of the ObamaCare law and the dysfunctional Dodd-Frank financial reforms.

Romney specializes in turnarounds — and Washington is in desperate need of a dramatic turnaround. When he arrived at the Salt Lake City Olympics, the organization was in chaos, in debt and tarnished by scandal. He turned it around, unifying those with competing interests and turned the games into a financial and diplomatic success.

Romney did this in the private sector as well, rescuing a number of struggling companies and bringing them back to profitability and growth, creating many new jobs in the process.

Romney knows the No. 1 issue is jobs and the economy — and Romney understands how jobs are created and how government policies affect economic growth. Under Obama, America not only has too-high unemployment and too-low growth, but it also now has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It also faces the prospect of job-killing record individual tax increases at the end of 2012.

Recently the President was asked if he in any way regretted spending so much time on ObamaCare when jobs seemed to be the predominate issue and his answer was…NO!!!

I  saw a poll which said 69% of likely voters believe the next election will change their lives for the better. That sounds like Romney to me.

Folk who know Romney well say he’s a good listener — another important quality in a president. He needs to be able to consider advice from a wide range of experts on a given subject to make informed decisions.

Though the Democrats have spent tens of millions to seek to establish false ideas about him, Romney’s been steady, well-organized and disciplined throughout the primary process. I’m convinced he’s the leader America needs to restore our confidence, our economy and our leadership in the world.

Maybe I’m a little redundant here but--Mitt Romney can talk with the best orators in the land. Whether it’s on Face The Nation or Meet The Press or on some corner in Chicago, Romney can talk fluently about economic, military, social, and educational facts. This helps.

 And I have noticed that Mitt seldom uses, "uhh," or "now let me see," to stall for time as he thinks up an answer to a question. Being able to talk professionally is a plus for an American president. I give Mitt points for his talking abilities. And Mitt can read too.

Romney has a razor sharp sense of humor. When asked by Newt Gingrich [and I like Newt] about his tax returns, Mitt smiled and said, "I will release them Tuesday," and moved on, stunning Newt with his comedic comeback. Any president of our country needs a good sense of humor, and especially be able to laugh at himself.

Former president, John F. Kennedy scored huge ratings with his comment on the launching of a NASA rocket, "there goes the payroll," when he was to say, "Payload." This fau pax got lots of laughs from the crowd. Mitt will not be a stranger to humor or -good-humor.

Recently Mitt and his team were playing touch football on a Florida beach and before the game started Mitt said, tongue in cheek; “by the way, don’t worry about injuries, just don’t get hurt.” To me that’s funny.

Have you noticed Mitt's big hands? Romney would have made a great quarterback. His big hands are a sign that he is a worker, and can tackle political or social problems in our country. I like that in a president. It’s been said; “never trust a president or any politician who doesn't show his hands in public." But showing hands and talking with hands is a world apart. Mitt doesn't talk with his hands. I like that.

Say what you will, when Mitt Romney is right -he’s right. In several question and answer sessions across our country, some political reporters have asked him some tough questions. To their chagrin, Mitt answered them like a pro, like he was already in the Oval Office. George W. Bush was like that; able to answer the tough questions that are on the minds of Americans. Amazing.

Mitt Romney looks people (and problems) straight in the eye. Never backs down. Notice him next time he is being questioned-- he seldom looks down, or off in the distance, two signals that an individual isn’t sure of himself. Mitt knows the score. He's on top of his game. You can trust a man (or woman) who makes fast eye-contact, talks to you like you are a human and isn’t dismissive.

Mitt Romney is always smiling. Happy. Upbeat. I appreciate that in a president. Don't you? I had much rather have a smiling, laughing, even joking president than a 'doom-and-gloom' leader who seldom smiles or laughs.

Notice other politicians and see how much less they laugh or joke. The Office of President is a serious job, but not all of the time. Much as a Pastor with his congregation I think that the atmosphere in our country is set by whatever attitude our leader shows. If he's happy, then we’ll tend to be happy.

The oldest, most significant question asked voters is; “Is the country on the right or wrong track?” No incumbent should be underwater on this question–including candidates for dog catcher–if he/she expects to be elected. For more than two years, across the board, voter response to this central question has consistently been greater than 2 to one-America is currently on the wrong track.”

Research says that one of the profound negative metrics or indicators in a presidential campaign is a President who cannot hit 50 percent approval among voters. Obama has consistently failed to reach 50 percent in over two years. Romney has recently reached 50% approval and passed it.

Let’s talk Economy/Jobs. Under Obama, the nation’s performance in this area suffers. People know it. I can’t say Obama can’t get elected with these numbers, but experts tell me nobody ever has.

I’m not a pollster nor the son of one but everything I dig up about this election is based exclusively on polls, which despite enjoying great popularity among the public -aren’t always dependable. There are a few pollsters in America who keep it real.

There is nothing so common and useless in American media/politics than inept polls. Good polls, by good pollsters, are very difficult to produce and very expensive.

Why are many polls inaccurate? Of 100 Americans eligible to vote, only approx. 1/3 of us turn out.  So when you talk to non-voters you get non-results. Sorry to say, bad pollsters don’t care about that minor detail! They want a headline.

Bottom line, the majority of polls we see are leading us wrong. The results of 10 bad polls, yields one bad average.

The Real polling is being done in strictest confidence by top pollsters, at a cost of $1Million-plus Per Month! Others pay about the same as your monthly electric bill.

Think that affects quality of results?

Most polls/pollsters showing Obama ahead are wrong. Demonstrably wrong, intentional Obama propaganda. The media won’t report it, because the media is the culprit. IMO If you want good polls listen to Fox News and check out Doug Schoen, Scott Rasmussen, or Pat Caddell.

Watch for the “Silent Majority.” Many people are intimidated at work, among friends and in public to express a pro-Romney viewpoint – inasmuch as that equals an “anti-Obama” viewpoint. Which of course equals a “racist opinion.”

Ask yourself: how many men and women just clam up at public gatherings rather than be labeled ‘racist?’

I heard Ann Coulter tell the story of a man who brought home a Romney lawn sign, in reaction to which his wife recoiled in horror, saying “You’re not going to put THAT on our lawn! Everyone will think we’re Racists!”

No, we’re against Obama, his programs and socialism, and for Romney. While we may shy away from lawn signs, we do – and will – vote robustly.

Watch the “undecideds." They’re out there and will in my opinion vote for Romney.

As the Vegas odds maker Wayne Allyn Root declares, while I’m sure his mouth isn’t a prayer book, -no person who voted for McCain in 2008 will be voting for Obama. Right there, Romney has, I think –over 40 million votes.

Moreover, a greater percent of Romney supporters are going to turn out than Obama voters. In 2008, there was a gap between Republican and Democrat voter turn out. In a 4 percent race, that made the difference. In 2012, there again will be a big turn out gap. This time, it’s ours.

My feeling is- “Mitt-mentum” will amplify this result. It will parachute in unannounced and subtle as a mule kick –go for Romney.

It looks to me that unless Obama changes the fundamental dynamic of this campaign, he loses this election. Look at the size/enthusiasm of the candidate crowds over the past several days.

Guess what? Though Romney may not have had a dramatic knockout like some of us would have liked to have seen, voters suddenly saw and embraced the real Mitt Romney – the difference between Obama Night and Romney Daylight.

Remember the old Obama pre-election jargon- “under new management”?

This will be true of The United States of America, in roughly two weeks.

May God bless us in the coming election and may God bless our beloved America!!!!



P.S—Be sure to vote!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Obama...America's Architect Of Decline!

By John Stallings

The 2012 election will decide far more than simply the name of America's next president. It will decide the fate of the nation.

The voices lamenting that Obama has failed just don’t get it.

Obama’s failure looked at from the perspective of most of us would be a proper reading of the situation. But from Obama's perspective, he’s succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. The President sees his position as “wildly successful” because of the support of his party, the “state-controlled media,” and their determination to hide the truth from the American people.

I believe Obama sees himself as having succeeded because his real aim was and is to diminish the footprint of America, because in Obama’s mind -America is bad for the world.

 In order to achieve his idea of global justice, Obama has appointed himself America’s Architect of Decline.

He has by and large succeeded in concealing his methodical agenda- to nudge America over the cliff.

 In his first term Obama has laid the foundation for his dream. If he’s given another four years, by 2016, America will be just one of the herd.

Because of all the recent word of mouth about the Documentary “2016, Obama’s America we found out where the movie was playing here in the Orlando area.

I thought maybe we‘d have to fight for a seat, but Juda and I were 2 of only about 16 at a recent 11:30 A.M showing. 

Information and education are high in my book. I want to know about society’s trends, nuances, coming “slippery slopes” and-well- just information/truth!

I’ve been aware of the first attacks against the aforementioned Documentary, and efforts to impugn the motives of the filmmakers, questioning how the project was funded and by whom, all in an attempt to dissuade people from watching it.

I don't remember anyone in the mainstream press questioning Michael Moore in like manner about his movies. As far as I could see no questions were asked about where his funding came from, although this was the media’s mania for Obama’s America-2016.

I’m not one to jump on a bandwagon easily, as I feel it my calling in communicating to verify as far as I’m able to do so the accuracy of the things I communicate to others. Does the information at hand align itself with the correct world view and does it pass the test of credibility and what we already know to be true? This is very important, especially with our children’s future in view.
Again, we were surprised at how the theater we visited was so sparsely filled. Maybe news media companies have banned promotion, I almost expect that anymore. I noticed that our local theater didn’t even have a poster up to announce the film being shown there. 

If we hadn’t had a computer, I doubt we could have ever found where the movie was playing. Moreover, the film didn’t play every day—you had to constantly check when the showings would be. Sometimes it would show on Tuesdays and then skip to Fridays with no prior announcement-that I knew of.

I have “The gift of suspicion” so all this made me a little---well- suspicious.

In the showing we attended most people we saw were older, retired folks. We might have been the youngest ones there. But after all we didn’t go to see “The young guns.”

I enjoyed the film’s writing. The writer showed his view point, and his relation to the information. He was honest and upfront. I liked his supportive data and documentation about what he presented. I haven’t read his book, indeed was unaware that there was a book until I saw the movie. My bad!

In the end the writer didn’t presume to tell you what to think or what to do, he just presented facts to inform you. Those facts were very, very sobering.

When Juda and I left the theater we were silent for a few minutes, but then I said, “You know, that man has done America a great service in making this Documentary.” What he did was what the American media should have done before Obama was ever elected. I also said, right or wrong, “No one who sees this documentary will ever vote for Obama, period.” My bad!!

Before we left the theater we parted for a short time to visit the rest-rooms. An elderly woman who’d just sat through the movie close to us muttered to Juda, “Well a lot of that is just speculation. They could probably do that about Romney too.” There went my prediction. But never fear, Juda stood up for the documentary as she’s want to do.

2016 is one of the few recent examples of true journalism which asks important questions, based on facts about an issue that really matters i.e. -What is the origin of the vision our President has for America and does it reflect that of the average American? The main question the movie seeks to answer is- what will America look like in 2016 if President Obama is re-elected in November. This would give him the opportunity to carry out his real vision for America, without the political implications of running again.

Based on Dinesh D’Souza’s best selling book – “ The Roots of Obama’s rage”, the film examines President Obama’s own words in his book “Dreams From My Father.” This documentary chronicles specific events; the timeline of President Obama’s birth in Hawaii, his years growing up in Indonesia, his college years, (records of which President Obama has gone to great lengths to protect), interviews with people who have direct background knowledge of the President’s past and ideas, people who directly influenced or nurtured the ideology of the President, and his devout fascination and determination to live out the perceived dreams from his father.

This documentary does a thorough analysis of Mr. Obama’s own autobiography that the infatuated media ignored during the glamour of his Presidential run in 2008. A major problem since then has been-- any attempt to ask legitimate questions of Mr. Obama is seen as “Obama bashing.”

The film starts with the emotional visit of Barack to the grave of his father. Based on Mr. Obama’s own words and actions since, it’s only fair to wonder if his motive is to carry out the ideology of his father. If so, that contradicts the virtues which make up the American dream. 

The President’s father, Barack Obama senior harbored the view that rich countries became rich due to the exploiting of poor countries, [Colonialism] and that the conditions of poor countries would improve if the influence of ‘rich’ countries were diminished or their wealth ‘redistributed.’ 

Absent from these views is the knowledge of a key element of the American success story. That is, a country becomes richer due to the free market system and economic freedom, which spurs individual ingenuity and growth. Among the absurd things that were said at the recent DNC, one person was overheard to say. “The free market system is destroying America.” Can we say, “Ignoramus?

The root of the senior Obama’s philosophy stemmed from his anti-colonialist and imperialist view of England of which his native Kenya was a colony for many years. One of the most interesting interviews in the film is with President Obama’s half-brother George Obama which highlights how some of his views differ from that of their father and president Obama.

George Obama who still lives in poor conditions in Kenya, avoided questions about why his brother President Obama has not reached out to help him.

Shortly after the interview, George Obama reached out to D’Souza to ask for money (who in turn gave it to him) because his son was sick in the hospital. He did not reach out to his brother the President of the U.S who so likes the idea of free health care.

George Obama made the observation that Kenya after it won its independence from England was in better economic shape than countries like South Africa, Singapore and others who also were former colonies.
But now those countries have developed faster than Kenya and others who became independent. In short, he believes the current conditions of countries like Kenya cannot be blamed on past colonialism or the present wealth of ‘rich’ countries, but instead on how a country is individually managed.


Obama is a proponent of failed economic policies that have left much of the Third World mired in poverty.

Rather than acknowledging that centralized economic planning is a failure, Obama faults America’s industrial might as the cause of economic malaise that has crippled much of Africa. The answer, therefore, is not to abandon the discredited economic policies, but to disable America so as to level the playing field.

Once America is bankrupt, Kenyan economic programs are bound to succeed!

As someone who follows politics and current events closely, I thought that I was well informed about President Obama’s radicalism. Nevertheless, the film exposed me to much more information than I had previously been aware of. Obama is not as bad as I thought. He’s worse, much worse.

If you subscribe to American Exceptionalism or believe in American ideals, as I do, maybe you could see this film with an undecided voter who is persuadable. Other than prayer, and making sure we vote, there’s not much else we can do.


Are we who oppose an Obama presidency/re-election upset because he’s black? I think not.
We’re upset because of what he’s  doing to our country.

Put racism aside when seeking reasons to criticize those who oppose this president. Those of us who support our Constitution and believe in free markets and limited government-oppose this administration.

 Obama promotes redistribution of wealth,

 Government ownership of auto companies,

Banks, Student loans,

And- nationalizing health care.

 He doesn’t attempt to slow down spending and sues a state that’s trying to do what the government refuses to do. He continually makes fun of the Tea Party people all the while stretching the truth regarding jobs, the economy, and misrepresenting what the stimulus has done.

Try counting  “jobs saved” and you’ll realize how this president is misleading the nation.

The Democrats were in charge of the purse strings for the last two years of the Bush administration. They say Bush left us with a $100 billion deficit, but now our deficit is in the trillions. I’m hearing words nowadays I thought I invented as a kid; bazillions, quadrillions and gazillions.

 Since before Obama took office and until the present, the narrative has been and is:-

“ if you oppose anything Obama does, there must be an underlying racist motive to your opposition.

And if there's not underlying racism, as they claim, then you MUST agree with everything he does.”

Those who wave the flag of progress in the face of America-in-decline -- and in defense of this president -- do so behind accusations that sensible, hard working Americans of all colors are displaying their chagrin toward Barack Obama simply because he's black.

NO MATTER how long these accusations go unproven or how many times they are actually disproved, they continue to raise the cry of racism. 

Again, hard working, common people can't possibly identify with the astonishing assessment that we all acted out of our whiteness and turned our wrath of "horrific racial violence" on non-whites.

So far as I can see there's not a thread of truth in this “elitist claim;” -that many Americans don't like Obama simply because of his color.


There IS a divide in America that's hardly ever mentioned in this debate, but it's not a color divide.




Most American's don't see Barack Obama's color as a problem, but they do recoil from his intellectual elitism! We read more and more about people this president has snubbed because of his arrogance.

During one of President Obama’s vacations at Martha’s Vineyard, he took in a round of golf at the Vineyard Golf Club in Edgartown, playing golf with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg; Democratic lawyer and business man Vernon Jordan; and White House trip director (and former golf pro) Marvin Nicholson.The pool report at the time said “We are told Bloomberg and Obama talked in the clubhouse for about 15 minutes about the economy. They then went to the driving range.”
Apparently the Obama-Bloomberg conversation could have gone better. In an interview with The Australian Financial Review, conservative media magnate Rupert Murdoch says;

Bloomberg said it was a pleasant day. In conversation he put a few ideas … He said it was like verbal ping pong.”Bloomberg, according to Murdoch came back and said ‘I never met in my life such an arrogant man.”
We’re witnessing Elitism like we’ve not seen in our lifetime, which includes living through the presidency of Jimmy Carter. Average Americans inherently reject this kind of alleged  intellectual superiority.

But we don't just see Obama's elitism; we see the elitism of politicians from ALL parties and the media elites that support them.

For this White House and this president, there seems to be only one branch of government - the executive branch. And, no doubt, the president will continue to rely on what many have called his executive command authority to push through his agenda.

This is the issue of the 2012 election:

 Do we believe in our capacity for self-government or will we abandon our God-given role in the world as Americans and capitulate to elitists planners who believe they can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.

It's the elitism of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed who pushed the unpopular ObamaCare through Congress in spite of, and some would say in the face of, the American people who opposed it. It's Eric Holder's fight with Arizona in spite of popular support for the law and for immigration law enforcement by the states. And it's the President himself leading this group of liberal elites with numerous acts of defying the will of the people and congress.

“Intellectual elites” of this type, think those who oppose them are not just ignorant, they’re stupid. And there must be racism at the heart of the opposition because it makes so much sense to them.

Make no mistake; America's response to 9/11, opposition to ObamaCare, resistance to a government increasing in size with out-of-control spending has nothing to do with color and everything to do with common sense patriotism.

Americans see their freedoms eroding under this administration and that's the source of their resistance to this president! 

Hear this. President Obama declaring a change in U.S. immigration law, no Congressional action, no court decision, just another executive decision; this time changing immigration law to permit young people who were brought to this country illegally to stay, rather than face deportation, has become

a tactic and a hallmark of his presidency.


The Wall Street Journal points out that President Obama actually revealed his intentions a year ago. "In a speech last year to La Raza, a Hispanic civil rights organization that has criticized the White House for the lack of progress on immigration reform, President Obama mused that he'd like 'to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own.' He added, 'Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you.'"

Well, the temptation he talked about then proved to be too much for the president. Just recently, he gave in to political temptation relaxing restrictions on illegals.  Another power grab.

So we have President Obama and his imperial presidency, acting alone in deciding which laws to enforce, which to ignore. A constitutional scholar- who isn't following the constitution. A president who doesn't worry about the separation of powers, circumventing the traditional checks and balances of our constitutional system.

It's this kind of arrogance that already has drawn a sharp rebuke from many.

Sen. Lindsey Graham called Obama's action "at best unwise and possibly illegal." Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said he is planning to file suit against the Obama Administration to challenge the president's action.


“…..I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back & tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick & good jobs for the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow & our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war & secured our nation & restored our image at last, best hope on earth.

This was the moment….this was the time…when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves & our highest ideals.”

If Obama is able to slow the rise of the oceans then ending poverty & securing peace should be a cakewalk.

I’m just guessing now but I suppose Obama would only be able to accomplish such feats as long as he’s America’s President.

It’s not about the tint of his skin. It’s not about his race. It’s not about his ethnicity, it’s not about his charisma, gravitas, his personality or whatever you call it. I don’t work that way. It’s about his policies & I disagree with Obama on policy.

Because of the policies I’ve mentioned here, & others of his values that would take too long to enumerate, I oppose Barack Obama as President of the United States.

Respected commentator Charles Krauthammer put it more bluntly: "Beyond the pandering, beyond the politics, beyond the process - is simple constitutional decency. This is out-and-out lawlessness. You had a clip of the president himself say months ago 'I cannot do this on my own because there are laws on the books.' Well, I have news for president - the laws remain on the books. They haven’t changed."

Listen to a quote from David Limbaugh: “If we re-elect him we are committing national suicide, I fully believe that. It might be cliché to say this is the most important election we’ve ever had but I don’t think it’s a cliché, I think most elections have incrementally been more important than previous elections because liberalism has been on a steady incremental march during my entire life. We pushed it back during Reagan and some other areas, but they always seem to move the ball towards statism overall and they are continuing to do it.

 Obama is already acting like a flaming leftist, radical, socialist. Can you imagine what he’ll act like if he is re-elected and perceives himself to have a mandate to take this country completely over the cliff.”


We want God to bless America. But we must confess that America as we know her now has forgotten God and totters on the brink of destruction. Even so, I believe there is a way for America to recover.

I firmly believe this nation with its Christian beginning was a nation God planted. America didn’t come into being by happenstance but by the will and plan of God Himself, who placed the American dream in the hearts of our Founding Fathers.As you and I read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the spiritual heritage of America runs all the way through them. When the little rag-tag Continental Army was fighting the British at Valley Forge, General George Washington went out to kneel in the snow to pray for his army. When a stranger came to the Continental Congress and wanted to know which man was Washington, a friend said, “When the Congress begins to pray, Washington will be the tall man who will go to his knees.”

Why has America been the richest nation on earth? Because the sun shines more here? More rainfall? Because we’re stronger? No! These are blessings from God. “Blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord.”

Today godless, violent forces come against America — from both outside and within. Corrupt politicians and clueless pundits mock God’s principles and those who honor them.

We must acknowledge our sin, deal with it, and confess it. Psalm 80 shows us how to pray for national revival. This is the prayer God will bless:

14Return, we beseech Thee, O God of hosts: look down from heaven, and behold, and visit this vine; 15And the vineyard which Thy right hand hath planted, and the branch that Thou madest strong for Thyself…. 17Let Thy hand be upon the man of Thy right hand….18So will not we go back from Thee: quicken us, and we will call upon Thy name. 19Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause Thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.

This is the gracious national deliverance God promised Israel — the deliverance we need and can be ours if we will confess, repent, and call upon His name.

Satan’s strategy is to keep good people silent in evil times. Will you speak up? Do you know what the issues are? For instance, are you letting your voice be heard against pornography, perversion, corruption, and the murder of the innocents?

God is still a God of mercy. What God could do for Israel, He can do for any nation that repents. Today America must look to God. The Pentagon — economists — politicians — educators — cannot save us. Only God can save America.

Without a spiritual revival there is no hope for our nation. We must return to God so God will return to us.

 What time is it in America? It is knee time.

