Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bush should pull plug on Ahmadinejad visit.

By John Stallings

In my view, for Iran's terrorist leader to visit ground zero in New York while Iran's bombs are killing American soldiers is unthinkable. It's ridiculous for Ahmadinejab to be allowed to set foot on US soil when our 9/11 commission strongly suspects Iran of facilitating the actions of the 9/11 plotters. This is like spitting in the face of our soldiers who are fighting & dying in Iraq as well as all American citizens.

If this man who denies the Holocaust & vows to wipe Israel off the map as soon as he gets the bomb to do the job is even allowed to set foot on our soil, he should be driven around in a cab by one of his countrymen. I for one have emailed & will call the White House to strongly object & think if Mr. Bush will shut this thing down his popularity will skyrocket. If not, at least he's done the right thing because this visit is wrong in principle & in its symbolism.

It's my understanding that Columbia University in New York won't even allow a R.O.T.C program but they can have a militant "loose cannon" like Ahmadinejab to speak to impressionable young Americans.

Shame, shame on the leadership of that school.


PS. The email address for the White House is: comments @
Phone for comments is 202-456-1111

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