Saturday, November 22, 2014

Praise report about John Stallings' song..."Love grew where the blood fell"

By Paul Davis

Music is a powerful avenue for bringing about change in the lives of men. In the Bible we see examples of how the children of Israel went forward into battle singing praises to God and the enemy was put to flight.

We also see that David was able to set King Saul free from being tormented by devils as he played his harp. The prophet Elisha called for a minstrel to come when he was asked to bring the Word of the Lord in the
midst of a situation.

 When Jesus and His disciples finished the Last Supper, they sang a hymn together before they left their gathering before Christ’s trials.

Today we have the testimony of a song in our midst that worked to bring about a great blessing in a gathering of believers.

Recently the brethren in Africa were gathered for a conference in a large meeting hall in Abuja, Nigeria, with upwards of 2,500 men and women present. As the last meeting was coming to a close, the people began to sing the song, Love Grew Where the Blood Fell.

 Suddenly, a brother stepped forward to the microphone and started to sing the verses of the song, which were not well known by the congregation. Immediately, the power of the Holy Ghost began to flood into the auditorium.

All those gathered came under the influence of the Holy Spirit and under the anointing of the words that were being sung. The whole strength of the meetings was sealed in that
Instant, because the song about His shed Blood was sung with the anointing of the Spirit of the living God.

May this song be a blessing to you and all in your house.

 The Benson Company in Nashville Tennessee recently published Stallings' song “Love Grew” coupled with “It is finished” a song by Bill and Gloria Gaither as a mini-musical for Easter.

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