Friday, November 9, 2012

A Short Message About The Election

By John Stallings

As I pondered what to write, & more importantly what, in my opinion we all need to hear right now, I could think of nothing better than to share what God has spoken to my heart.

I need to take a deep breath & be reminded that we’re all in God’s hands & that no matter what; we'll be hidden with Christ in God. Our lives are still in the hands of a never-changing, eternally loving, gracious Father who is sovereign & who still reigns supreme. He will work out His eternal plans no matter who sits in the Oval office.

I need to remind myself that light will always overcome darkness just as in Christ, life will ultimately overcome death.

I need to remind myself that far more important than seeing my candidate triumph, I must continue to be a repairer of the breach & continue to fight the fight of faith.

I need to rest in God & find my strength in Him who has promised to never leave or forsake me, accept by His grace what comes & keep going.

I need to hand-off the heaviness to God because He can carry it. I can’t & I don’t have to.

I need to remind myself that even though the stars fall I can find victory in He who attends the funerals of sparrows & surely, come what may, He can give to me a supple spirit & a singing heart.

So I am calm & will accomplish it one day at a time by continuing to live in that peaceful center, my life in God.

I trust & pray that this will be useful to anyone who’s been suffering from “election overload” or maybe “concern overload,” and, like me have spent more than a little time grieving over the results of the recent election. If you feel that at least for the time being the American dream has been thrown under the bus and replaced with a welfare state, and that America can't possibly survive another four years of Obama, know that you're not alone.

When a large preponderance of folk monitored [exit polls] as they came out of voting machines are asked-to whom do you blame the  problems we've encountered over the last four years, and their answer -"It's the fault of  George Bush,-" what can we look forward to now with a president who specializes in passing the buck. Narcissism takes NO blame!!

When my heart is breaking with grief & sorrow; when my mind is almost numb from trying to answer questions that are beyond my capacity to comprehend; when evil seems to triumph; when goodness & decency are being trampled in the dust; when sneering faces mock me or ugly voices ask; "Where is your God?"....I go to the cross. I remember how they mocked Him. I remember how they hurt Him.

I remember how He died.

I see the dignity of His spirit. I see the strength of one who says: "Nothing you do to me can destroy my life or my love. Nothing you can do can defeat my Father's plan."

 I remember His passion. And I say to those who would mock our faith or ridicule our God: This is where I take my stand: beneath the cross of Jesus. I believe and trust in the One who gave His life & love for the whole world & for me. I place my faith in the One who rose from the dead & removed the stone on Easter morning with the battering ram of omnipotence.

I trust the promises of the One who said: “ I will be with you always.”

Ladies and gentlemen, we have much work to do. We all need to stay engaged in life with a hopeful spirit remembering always that we serve the man who saw the troubled waters congeal under his feet & we’re floating on the great river of God’s grace.

God bless you and God bless America!!!



1 comment:

Dr. Steven Lambert said...

I'm learning to lean, learning to lean
Learning to lean on Jesus
Finding more power than I'd ever dreamed
I'm learning to lean on Jesus