Thursday, October 15, 2009

Who's Afraid Of Sarah Palin??

By John Stallings

When George Bush was in office we constantly heard whining & carping about how dumb, awkward & uncouth he was.

It got so bad that they gave it a name; “The Bush Derangement Syndrome.”

Maybe it stemmed from the closeness of both his elections & the fact that the first one had to go all the way to the Supreme Court.

During the Bush years people went to psychologists & counselors to try to get emotional help in just accepting Bush as their president. I could say a lot right here about our current president but I’ll resist the temptation because this article isn’t about The Bam. However, I will say, & I take no pleasure in saying it, that I predicted before the Inauguration that [ just human reasoning—no claim to a spiritual revelation here,] there was a possibility of The Bam becoming the most despised man who ever occupied the Oval Office. This was based strictly on his attitudes, acts & aspirations where the country is concerned.

I have prayed to be wrong about this & still do, but from the looks of things, it seems I’m going to be right. I really don’t think a nation gains anything by hating on its leaders & certainly for Christians it’s diametrically opposed to scripture.

But I digress from my objective because this piece is to point out the national obsessive/compulsive behavior called “Palin-itis.” The symptoms of the “ Palin-flu” are an overwhelming need to mock, demean, denigrate & ultimately destroy Sarah Palin & her family. Other manifestations are lies, bloviations, half-truths, innuendo & the ever popular “unnamed & anonymous sources.”

Then there’s the constant second guessing if not downright trashing of the lady from Wasilla because she walked away from the Governorship of Alaska in mid-term. In the mind of some people, now she’s a “quitter.” As far as I’m concerned, if I were being hounded by nuisance law-suits for which my state had to pay $500,000 in legal fees, & apparently five of these allegations were made by one women- with TWENTY ethics charges & Zero convictions, knowing myself as I do, I’d most likely be looking for a better set of circumstances.

Does the following make any sense? Maybe, just maybe -Sarah quit her Alaska job because she’s ahead of the rest of us, especially when it comes to running her own life. My fingers would shrivel up if I tried to type the stories of people in the halls of power in Washington who left one government job for a “better” one, starting with the one who now occupies the Oval Office. But I guess somehow that’s different.

Liberals have adopted a whole new set of rules for handling the Palin family. Don't you just love that? Don't you love it when folk subject you to a standard of judgement they'd never allow for themselves or their friends? I've heard her deferred to as “Cutesy” “Folksy” “Down home & dumbed down” “Hot” “Attractive appearance” & “Adorable little wink.” We waited for The National Organization of Women” to come to her defense & they did that about as quick as they “defended” Carrie Prejean. Let’s face it; it’s just not a level playing field out there these days folks.

Not only is Sarah called an ignorant hick, the people who loved her & voted for her were & are also called hicks by people who are no less than intellectual snobs confusing their intelligence with their diplomas. One of the problems we have is too many people confuse being articulate with being able to read from a teleprompter. IMHO, there are also too many people who confuse feeling with thinking & coolness with competence.

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion but you aren’t entitled to your own facts. They can get on Palin’s case for having a strong opinion about the protection of our borders & fiscal responsibility, or tweeting about “death panels” but while they are calling her those names maybe they should read up on Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, the 1940s “community organizer” who states “you may have to destroy an economy to make people dependent on government.” Unless you’ve been on an extended fishing trip you certainly know that the White House is populated by people who are disciples of Alinsky. His amoral strategy for the redistribution of wealth is one that Team Obama unequivocally embraces. One of the things you’ll find interesting also is that Alinsky’s book is dedicated to Lucifer.

Here's another quote from Alinsky; "Any revolutionary change must be proceeded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward the masses of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so future less in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past & change the future."

Thirteen years after Alinsky died some of his former students hired Barack Obama to a $13,000 a year job as a community organized. In a few years he became very proficient in the Alinsky Method of community organizing & became an instructor of the Alinsky Method.

It's true that during the Bush administration some of the groundwork was laid for the fiscal title wave that was to come. It should follow that any positive things happening now to our fiscal situation because of the big spending, Bush should get some of the credit. Call me crazy but I don’t see how that is translated into giving Team Obama leeway for exceeding a trillion dollar deficit this year alone. Two wrongs don’t make a right [although two Wrights did make an airplane.]

Just because a trench was opened up it doesn’t follow that a new fiscal Grand Canyon must be opened up in the earth. Maybe I need glasses but I can’t see where the stimulus bill has worked, nor the “shovel ready” projects, nor the “jolt” that was to happen to the economy. Spending our way to a great financial position has never worked for individuals so how does that work for a nation’s economy? Though I’m not an economist, I can read & my concern is our leadership has “guessed wrong” & what happened in California will happen to the nation in time. Suffice it to say we're at present "circling the drain" financially.

I, like you have read the Constitution & no where can I find that the government should be running insurance companies, car companies, banks, homes & health care. I also see no Constitutional precedent for a shadow government [the “czars.] I’m sure you’ve heard of MPD or multiple personality disorders, or bipolar disorders, but I’m beginning to believe some in Washington have TPD or triple-polar-disorders. I realize that last statement doesn’t make sense but then neither does the goings on in our nation’s capitol.

If there is a “narcissistic personality disorder,” I don’t think it belongs to Sarah Palin but to the current administration that is “boldly going where no administration has gone before.” Apologies to the Trekkies.

Afraid? Yes we should be very afraid but not of Sarah Palin. Isn’t it time to give her family a break? What is her great crime? Is it because she’s a born again Christian “home-girl” who allowed a “down syndrome” child to live, likes to hunt & has a penchant for saying “you betcha?”

If anyone is overly concerned about Sarah’s intelligent, why not google her on Cap & Trade as I’ve done or maybe take the time to read some of the other contributions she has adroitly put on the printed page.

I guess you’ve figured out by now that I’m an admirer of Sarah Palin. I’ve had people I trusted run the same back-stabbing number on me as they have on Sarah so that helps me relate to her.

Yes, I’m part of the, I believe, ever growing multitude around this globe who in spite of all that’s been done to destroy her, still like us some Sarah Palin.



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