By John Stallings
Although I greatly respect John McCain, he was not my pick from the field of Republicans. However, I’ve evaluated the two men left standing after the primaries & I have no choice but to vote for John McCain.
No man is perfect & there don't seem to be any more Ronald Reagan’s around so our mail-in votes have already been cast for McCain.
Let’s be honest. Barack Obama is youthful, seems bright, articulate, smart, amiable, hip & overall likable. I’d even go so far as to say in those departments he has a leg up on McCain.
I’ve been following politics since the fifties & it looks to me like Obama is one of the most popular candidates since JFK. However when I examine his record his charisma fades away to reveal a man who stands for nearly everything I oppose.
The political figure who perhaps has received the most ridicule in the past twenty years is Dan Quayle, largely due to a misspelled word on a flashcard he read during an appearance at a school.
I wonder how much more grief would have been heaped on Vice President Quayle if he’d made any of the following mistakes committed by Barack Obama;
Last May he claimed that Kansas tornadoes killed a whopping 10,000 people: “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died---an entire town destroyed.” The actual death toll was 12.
Once he redrew the map of the United States: “Over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States, I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”
# I oppose an Obama presidency because it would mean Michelle Obama would be First lady.
During the primaries she said: “For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country.”
Come again? Presumably she’s proud of America for the first time because of the popularity of her husband & the very real possibility of his becoming president.
Let’s see. Michelle Obama was never proud when she read of the Founding Fathers who heroically founded this nation & the wonderful rights & liberties they enshrined in our Declaration of Independence & Bill of Rights.
Obviously she never felt a moment of pride when she became aware for the first time in history it was this country that put the first human footsteps on the surface of the moon. Wasn’t she proud when she read that they took a car with them & drove it around on the lunar surface?
Obviously Michelle never felt a sense of pride in America for the thousands of scientific, technological & medical advances that our people created that she & her children benefit from everyday.
“Say it ain’t so.” The list of things Michelle Obama could have felt pride in as an American is endless as far as I’m concerned but evidently she never once felt that pride until Barack found fame & fortune in America.
Michelle, Michelle, I will pray everyday for you that your eyes will be opened but lady you aren’t leadership material at least not right now.
# I oppose an Obama presidency because of abortion/life issues.
All humans are made in God’s image starting from conception. God forbids murder & therefore the killing of the unborn is immoral & sinful especially so because they are utterly helpless. They are among “the least of these” that Jesus told us to care for.
On abortion Obama is stridently pro-choice. He earned a zero rating by the National Right to Life Committee. [NRLC] Forgive me for pointing out the obvious but that’s as low as you can score.
In 2007 Obama voted against the banning of partial birth abortion. Partial-birth abortion isn’t just any abortion. It involves partially removing the baby from the womb & killing it.
By Obama’s own admission, he’s such an ignoramus he doesn’t know when life begins. He says that’s above his pay grade.
Let’s look at Obama’s actual answer when Rick Warren asked— “At what point does a baby get human rights in your view?”
“Well, uh, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or, uh, a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity, uh, you know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade.”
No man is perfect & there don't seem to be any more Ronald Reagan’s around so our mail-in votes have already been cast for McCain.
Let’s be honest. Barack Obama is youthful, seems bright, articulate, smart, amiable, hip & overall likable. I’d even go so far as to say in those departments he has a leg up on McCain.
I’ve been following politics since the fifties & it looks to me like Obama is one of the most popular candidates since JFK. However when I examine his record his charisma fades away to reveal a man who stands for nearly everything I oppose.
The political figure who perhaps has received the most ridicule in the past twenty years is Dan Quayle, largely due to a misspelled word on a flashcard he read during an appearance at a school.
I wonder how much more grief would have been heaped on Vice President Quayle if he’d made any of the following mistakes committed by Barack Obama;
Last May he claimed that Kansas tornadoes killed a whopping 10,000 people: “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died---an entire town destroyed.” The actual death toll was 12.
Once he redrew the map of the United States: “Over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States, I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”
# I oppose an Obama presidency because it would mean Michelle Obama would be First lady.
During the primaries she said: “For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country.”
Come again? Presumably she’s proud of America for the first time because of the popularity of her husband & the very real possibility of his becoming president.
Let’s see. Michelle Obama was never proud when she read of the Founding Fathers who heroically founded this nation & the wonderful rights & liberties they enshrined in our Declaration of Independence & Bill of Rights.
Obviously she never felt a moment of pride when she became aware for the first time in history it was this country that put the first human footsteps on the surface of the moon. Wasn’t she proud when she read that they took a car with them & drove it around on the lunar surface?
Obviously Michelle never felt a sense of pride in America for the thousands of scientific, technological & medical advances that our people created that she & her children benefit from everyday.
“Say it ain’t so.” The list of things Michelle Obama could have felt pride in as an American is endless as far as I’m concerned but evidently she never once felt that pride until Barack found fame & fortune in America.
Michelle, Michelle, I will pray everyday for you that your eyes will be opened but lady you aren’t leadership material at least not right now.
# I oppose an Obama presidency because of abortion/life issues.
All humans are made in God’s image starting from conception. God forbids murder & therefore the killing of the unborn is immoral & sinful especially so because they are utterly helpless. They are among “the least of these” that Jesus told us to care for.
On abortion Obama is stridently pro-choice. He earned a zero rating by the National Right to Life Committee. [NRLC] Forgive me for pointing out the obvious but that’s as low as you can score.
In 2007 Obama voted against the banning of partial birth abortion. Partial-birth abortion isn’t just any abortion. It involves partially removing the baby from the womb & killing it.
By Obama’s own admission, he’s such an ignoramus he doesn’t know when life begins. He says that’s above his pay grade.
Let’s look at Obama’s actual answer when Rick Warren asked— “At what point does a baby get human rights in your view?”
“Well, uh, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or, uh, a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity, uh, you know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade.”
This obvious attempt to be as ambiguous as possible so that he doesn’t offend those who disagree with him is ridiculous for someone running for President.
Biology tells us that that life begins at conception once a complete genetic code comes into being. What else could it be? This isn’t difficult.
Even if we’re not sure when life begins that doesn’t justify abortion on demand & we should err on the side of caution, especially since we’ve already murdered 40,000,000 Americans in the womb.
At Saddleback Community Church John McCain said that the fetus has human rights from the beginning. He’s polar opposite of Obama & so is Sarah Palin.
Obama would appoint several Supreme Court justices & you can bet they’d be pro-choice with a vengeance, wiping out the chance that Roe v. Wade would be reversed.
Another thing, Obama would fund abortions through tax payer’s money, chapter & verse from the Democratic Platform.
Moreover, Obama opposed a “born-alive” statute in Illinois that would allow hospitals to save aborted babies that survived their own execution.
# Obama also believes in embryonic stem cell research, which often results in the destruction of human embryos, & is a form of abortion on a premature scale.
Not that this research is intrinsically bad in & of itself but there are sources of stem cells besides human embryos. I believe we should avoid using human embryos for stem-cell research. IMHO America would do well not to “tug-on-Superman’s Cape” anymore than she already has when it comes to tinkering around with God’s precious gift of life.
# I oppose an Obama presidency because of his stand on Gay Rights & marriage.
Again here’s an area where Obama is quite liberal & I believe wrong. He has stated that homosexuality is not a choice & is no more immoral than heterosexuality. While he opposes gay marriage he believes it’s a matter that should be left up to the states. As a Christian I personally cannot in good conscience vote for someone who supports these things.
# I oppose an Obama presidency because of his positions on gun control.
As a supporter of the Second Amendment, I find cold comfort in Obama’s attitude toward guns. Maybe I’m just an old-fashioned southerner with a dash of red-neck thrown in but I happen to believe guns don’t kill, - people kill & if we disarm the citizenry only the crooks will have guns.—I’m with Heston; “From my cold dead hands.”
# Privatization of Social Security
As regards Social Security, I think people should have the option to do their own thing with at least a segment of their S.S money at their own discretion. Obama opposes that.
The 19 terrorists who knocked the Trade Center down had 38 drivers’ licenses between them. That’s thirty-eight! They were bogus but they could never have done what they did without them. But why pave the way for other terrorists by just giving drivers licenses to all illegal immigrants? Obama supported giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.
Obama believes in a bill that would give a form of amnesty to illegal immigrants. That would include platinum health-care for about 14 million illegal immigrants. How much more money is China going to let us borrow?
Obama has no military experience. Like most political liberals he views terrorism as a criminal justice question, not one of military concern. He was opposed to funding for the Iraq war & would likely lose that war if elected, turning Iraq into a bloodbath & a likely terrorist stronghold with Iranians swooping in like vultures. They’re already supporting terrorism around the world.
I also feel strongly that the question of Iran developing an atomic weapon will likely be decided in the upcoming election.
John McCain is a military man & has served in the Senate for over twenty years with all the experience that comes with it. He supported the troop surge [consequently we’ve practically decimated Al Quida] when it was unpopular & realizes we can’t pull out of Iraq until the job is done.
I also like McCain’s stand on not wanting to socialize health-care & create a huge bureaucracy.
I’m a pro-life, pro-family, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-growth, small government, law abiding conservative American Christian & I find Barack Obama to be the political epitome & antithesis of everything I oppose.
According to the following statement from an Obama speech last summer, it appears pretty much everyone who isn’t Obama is a lesser being.
“…..I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back & tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick & good jobs for the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow & our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war & secured our nation & restored our image at last, best hope on earth.
This was the moment….this was the time…when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves & our highest ideals.”
If Obama is able to slow the rise of the oceans then ending poverty & securing peace should be a cakewalk.
I’m just guessing now but I suppose Obama would only be able to accomplish such feats if he’s elected President.
It’s not about the tint of his skin. It’s not about his race. It’s not about his ethnicity it’s not about his charisma, gravitas, his personality or whatever you call it. I don’t work that way. It’s about his policies & I disagree with Obama on policy.
Because of the policies I’ve mentioned here, & others of his values that would take too long to enumerate, I oppose Barack Obama as President of the United States.
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