Monday, January 20, 2014


By John Stallings

The first time I remember hearing the term Blind Ambition was in reference to a 1979 T.V movie series tracing the career of Watergate figure John Dean, special council to President Nixon.

But you’ve seen the headlines in recent years & you’ve heard of the failures & buyouts, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, and AIG etc.

We don’t have to go back thirty years to Watergate to find examples of Blind Ambition; it’s splashed all over today’s news.

Somewhere in the back of our minds even if we’re not economic majors we understand that this all started with bad mortgages, especially the ones where no down payment was required; the down payment was financed & included in the monthly payments.

But things didn’t work out as rosy as many of the blindly ambitious borrowers thought they would & loans made by blindly ambitious lenders went into default.

I’ve been around long enough to remember that this basically started in the mid-seventies when the Carter administration presided over the decision to make housing more affordable. It’s a matter of record that in 2003 the Bush Administration recommended an overhaul in the housing finance industry. This was mostly because of memories of the Savings & Loan crisis [S&L Crisis] in the 1980’s & 90’s. You may remember that hundreds of Savings & Loans failed during those years. I certainly remember it.

I’m including excerpts here from a piece by former presidential candidate Patrick J. Buchanan posted on 09/19/2008 called “The Party’s Over.” You & I perhaps won’t agree with all he says but I found it interesting.

The recent crash  is wiping out trillions of dollars of our people’s wealth, like the crash of 1929, & is likely to mark the end of an era.

The new era will see a more sober & diminished America. Seizing on the crisis, the left says we’re witnessing the failure of market economics, a failure of conservatism. This is nonsense. What we’re witnessing is the collapse of Gordon Gecko [“Greed is good!”] capitalism.

What we’re witnessing is what happens to a prodigal nation that ignores history, & forgets & abandons the philosophy & principles that made it great…….For years, we Americans have spent more than we earned. We save nothing. Credit card debt, consumer debt, mortgage debt, corporate debt---all are at record levels. And with pensions & savings being wiped out, much of that debt will never be repaid……

Our standard of living is inevitably going to fall. For foreigners will not forever buy our bonds or lend us more money if they rightly fear that they will be paid back, if at all, in cheaper dollars…

The party’s over.

Yet still the promises of the politicians come. Barack Obama will give us national health insurance & tax cuts for all but 2 % of the nation that already carries 50% of the federal income tax load.

John McCain is going to cut taxes, expand the military, move NATO into Georgia & Ukraine, confront Russia & force Iran to stop enriching uranium or “bomb, bomb, bomb” with Joe Lieberman as wartime consigliere.

Who are we kidding? What we’re witnessing today is how empires end.

What the Greatest Generation handed down to us—the richest, most powerful, most self-sufficient republic in history, with the highest standard of living any nation ever achieved—the baby boomers, oblivious & self-indulgent to the end, have frittered away.”
Agree or disagree with Mr. Buchanan, I think we will recognize that in many respects he’s right.

I’m don’t moonlight as a financial advisor but like you I am blessed with a modicum of common sense. What nags at me, [though I’m appreciative of what current leadership is trying to do,] is concern that what’s going on now is a “shell game” where money is being moved around to give an appearance of saving the day when it will all eventually be hung around the necks of the hardworking American taxpayer whose money it was in the first place.

If I were to go out next week & borrow $200,000 to go on several radio & television stations to preach the gospel, if within the next two years the money didn’t come in to support the endeavor, the government wouldn’t be there to bail me out. I think that’s as it should be.

I’ve heard of ministries writing ‘faith checks” waiting for God to “come through” but checks like that don’t bounce back on “Jesus’ account” but the account of the individual who wrote them.

Where God guides He provides but it’s incumbent on us to be sure we’re doing what God will bless, not asking God to bless what we’re doing.

As an onlooker what I see today is a mix of both dead-beat borrowers & greedy lenders. It’s estimated that this fiasco will eventually cost the American taxpayers right at one-trillion dollars.


For nearly two years we the people have been bombarded with the promises of presidential candidates. In the next few weeks we’re going to have an opportunity to go into the voting booth & vote our conscience. God forbid that we should elect leaders because he/she’s the most ambitious. God grant that we would vote for the people who’ll keep as much government off our backs as possible while standing firm for the moral principles God can honor & that our country was built on.

I can only speak for myself but no one ever has or ever will get my vote who believes in abortion or who espouses special rights for the gays or who would change the definition of marriage from what it’s always been; one man & one woman.


If you’re a parent, you’ve no doubt seen kids arguing over where they’re going to sit at a party. “I want to sit by her.” “No, I want to sit by her.” “That’s not fair. You got to sit by her last time.” And so it goes.

But we adults can act like that too. Have you ever been to a party & checked to see if you’re sitting by someone you like? Have you ever been relieved to learn you were sitting by friends? I’ve seen grown-ups secretly switch nameplates with those of people from other tables. Have you ever been stuck with people & couldn’t get a conversation going with them for the life of you? I have. Have you ever watched little cliques form at a gathering forgetting about everyone else in attendance?

In Mark 10, two brothers, James & John, among the inner circle of Jesus’ disciples hatched a plot which reveals some unhealthy attitudes not the least of which is strong blind ambition. They wanted to best seats in the house. But what these men wanted wasn’t special seats at a banquet, they wanted power & glory. They wanted to be top dogs in the kingdom of heaven.

The story starts when James & John say to Jesus, “We want you to do for us whatever we ask.” Now already we can see the immaturity in them. You’ve probably seen children do that too. “Mommy, I’m going to ask for something, will you please say yes before I ask?” But these are grown men & they want a blank check from Jesus even before they tell Him what their request is.

James & John can actually see themselves occupying the seats of honor in the kingdom of God. They say, Grant us to sit, one at your right hand & one at your left in your glory. [10:37.]


They are so caught up in their own vision of the kingdom that they are like a pilot flying on a dark night without instruments. They weren’t always this way but right now all they could think about was what they stood to gain from the kingdom.

This ambition stuff is all about us isn’t it? Aren’t we like that sometimes? Our desires, hopes & dreams are all about us. Our attitudes & actions, prayers & requests, are all about us.

I don’t believe it coincidental that immediately following this episode with James & John, they come upon blind Bartimaeus. But at least blind beggar Bartimaeus knows he’s blind & cries out to be healed. Poor James & John don’t have a clue to their blindness. They even seem to be blind to the truth about who Jesus is & the essence of His mission. They’re blinded by their desire & ambition to share in Jesus’ glory but sadly they don’t even know they’re blind.


In a piece I wrote a few months back called, “Who let the dogs out,” I talked about the fact that in the Bible false teachers & people who are doing gospel work for selfish reasons are called “dogs.”

I’m persuaded that the great majority of present ministries really want to help people. However, as much as it grieves me to say it, there are many who are making merchandise of the gospel & far from having a heart for God & spreading His gospel, are shallow, surface people & in the main, nothing more than “Religious Entrepreneurs.”

Please read carefully here; we have a tendency to judge leaders & ministers alone doctrinal lines, feeling that the “acid test” is an individual’s doctrine. If they believe all the right things they’re O.K. But Jesus says that is not how we’ll know if they’re genuine. We also have a tendency to judge a ministry by its spiritual gifts. But this isn’t what Jesus taught us. Nowhere in the Bible do we read, --by their gifts ye shall know them.

Praise God for a ministry that preaches sound doctrine & also for the marvelous gifts of the Spirit. But Jesus said the only way to know a person’s spiritual character is by their fruits. The fruit of the Spirit can’t be faked over any period of time.

How could an individual fake these qualities;

Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, & temperance?—Gal.5:22-23

Do we see transformed lives spring up around this ministry? Do we see this ministry meeting spiritual needs as well as ministering to the oppressed & physically needy? Are people being set free or more dependent on the leader? Is the leader’s lifestyle overly extravagant?

A person can make Jesus Lord of their Lips but never Lord of their Life. If we only look at what someone says we’ll be fooled over & over again. It’s important to get to know people & see what makes them tick. Jesus said;

Not everyone that saith unto me Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have we cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me ye that work iniquity.—
Matt. 7:21-23

Jesus is plainly saying here that miracles in His name don’t make up for obedience to his commandments & a good character. In First Corinthians 13, Paul says we can do all kinds of great works but if they’re not done with love they’re worthless. If our lives aren’t being formed by the Holy Spirit into a life that resembles the life of Jesus then it isn’t Christian no matter how many mighty works we do. I find it interesting that some of our greatest dangers to the church, especially in these last days will most often come from within the church, not from the world.


Jesus has spoken over & over about His impending death-revealing the pain He must face as He journeys toward Jerusalem. Each time He mentions this He’s met with an insensitive & unsympathetic response from His disbelieving disciples. The disciples are revealing that the idea of Jesus’ terrible death on a Roman cross hasn’t sunk in on them.

When they asked to be seated next to Jesus in His kingdom, James & John were obviously blind to the nature of their request & what it involved. Jesus responds—you don’t know what you’re asking.
When the other ten disciples heard what James & John have been up to, they got all bent out of shape. They don’t try to hide that they have about the same attitude as the two brash brothers. Each of the twelve is full of blind ambition, preoccupied with their own greatness & glory.


In Mark 10:43-44 Jesus rebukes the whole bunch of his disciples by telling them-- in His kingdom, greatness isn’t measured by power over people, but by willingness to serve & becomes servant or “slave of all.” Being a Servant rather than a Star is Jesus’ alternative to blind ambition.

This is a vivid statement of the upside-down values of the kingdom of God. Jesus tells the disciples in 10:45,--For the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, & to give His life a ransom for many.


In Acts chapter three Peter & John are on their way to the temple at the hour of prayer. Keep in mind that this is immediately after the great outpouring on the day of Pentecost at which Peter & John were present. It looks like they were going to be on time too, the hour of prayer was the ninth hour.

1. God uses people who are already busy doing the right things.

There at the Beautiful Gate in front of the temple these two disciples see the man who’d been lame from his mother’s womb & was brought there to beg daily for alms.

I must say I’m impressed by these two men who’d so recently been recipients of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The fact that they’d seen the miraculous didn’t spoil their everyday walk with God. Please don’t misunderstand. I believe in the experience & am blessed to humbly call myself a Spirit Filled Christian.

The reason I’m so impressed with Peter & John is that so many people I know who call themselves Spirit Filled, haven’t been grounded by the experience. They no longer are interested in the everyday walk with God. They are now “chasers of miracles” appearing anywhere & everywhere they hear that a great move of God is in evidence to “soak-up” the blessing someone else prayed down.

These folk don’t seem interested in asking God to send revival in their little church but will pay any price to get to the place where miracles are happening. Jesus said, --These signs shall follow them that believe”-He didn’t say,--believers should go around following signs.

2. God uses people who can be interrupted.

When Peter & John saw this man [and by the way, we have no record of their ever seeing the man before, although he came there daily & so did they] they weren’t so eager to perform their religious duties that they rushed on to get to the meeting, ignoring human need. That’s what a baptism of love does for you.

3. God uses people who inspire hope in others.

And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. And he gave heed unto them expecting to receive something of them.-Vs.4-5

Evangelist D.L Moody said he’d never seen God use a discouraged man. May God grant that when you & I enter a room it will be as though a light has been turned on, not off.

4. God uses people who use what they have.

Then Peter said, Silver & gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee.—Vs.6a

There used to be an old song that went,

“It‘s what you do with what you got,
& never mind how much you got,
It’s what you do with what you got,
That pays off in the end.”
5. God uses people who know He’s their source.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, raise up & walk.—Vs.6b

God doesn’t use folk who look in the mirror & sing, “How great I am.”

6. God uses people who’ll do their best-- & trust Him to do the rest.

And he took him by the right hand, & lifted him up: & immediately his feet & ankle bones received strength.-Vs.7

Like Joshua of old, when we “get our toe in the water” God will roll the waters back.

7. God uses people who have no earthly ambition other than to bring glory to His name.
As the lame man which was healed held Peter & John, all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called Solomon’s, greatly wondering. And when Peter saw it he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this, or look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we made this man to walk.—Vs. 3:11-12

Do you know the greatest joy a person can experience in this life? We might answer that question in many different ways & I feel sure there are as many answers as there are readers of this piece.

But, I would suspect that deep in every person’s heart there is a desire that God might use them. This isn’t a selfish motivation but a very normal & appropriate desire.

There is no thrill that remotely approaches the thrill of the consciousness that God in His sovereignty has chosen to use us as instruments in His hands to do some of His work; to change the direction of someone’s life, to keep someone from sinking beneath the waves of despair, to resolve a hostility, to answer a challenge, to heal a wound, to rebuke a ruler, to turn a nation, or even to write a simple poem.

There are two alternatives. Which will we be; James & John who through blind ambition wanted to tower above all others in the kingdom, or Peter & John, freshly baptized in love wanting only to hide behind the cross upon which the Prince of Glory died & be conduits of his mercy & love, passing all the glory on to Him?



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