
By John Stallings
……avoid profane & vain babblings, & the oppositions of science, falsely so-called. --- 1 Timothy 6:20
If I had written this blog a couple of weeks ago, I could have quoted from a northern newspaper, “More snow covers North America at the present moment than has since 1966.”
As a matter of fact, some weather experts believe there was more snow covering North America during that general time than has ever been present since weather records have been kept.
Some of these good folk who’re still digging out of the snow are probably lamenting; “where is global warming we need it?” We have friends & relatives in these areas & I pray they get at least a day & a half of Spring before the heat hits them.
With all this in mind, isn’t it amazing that former American Vice President Al Gore recently won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work in “Global Warming,” & an Oscar for his movie on the same subject, “An inconvenient truth.”?
Certainly I’m not a scientist & no expert on the subject of global climate change. But I’ve done as I encourage others to do, research the matter for themselves. Because I’m not a scientist & don’t have a particular leaning toward science, I wouldn’t be wasting your time & my efforts to address this subject unless I felt there was a higher, biblical point to be made.
Is the Earth warming? Probably so. I could also ask, “Does a squirrel have a climbing gear?” But how relevant is that? Herein lies the rub; I believe global climate change is a cyclical phenomenon, & not, what the global warming crowd believes, i.e. – “the idea that the earth heats up & cools off is attributable to man’s presence on earth.” That conundrum is core of the issue as I understand it.
The so-called idea of global warming stems from alarmism, has become a worldwide nuisance, is attempting to re-direct the Church’s primary focus, & most importantly it seeks to change the subject from the real issue of importance, i.e. world wide moral bankruptcy. Not to mention the fact that we’re approaching the slippery slops of worldwide financial disaster & this could push us over.
I believe we should do all possible within the bounds of reason to keep Spaceship Earth clean & in good shape & be proper stewards of the planet God has so richly and graciously endowed us with. My position isn’t one of being uncaring or playing fast & loose with our beautiful green planet & treating it as if it’s indestructible. Let no one take away from this article the idea that it’s fine to be slobs & spread our refuse to the four winds.
The Rule of Universality is called for here; i.e.—“What if everyone did it?”
I also believe we should keep our bodies as clean as possible & keep the chicken bones and cheeseburger wrappers swept out of our vehicles. But that doesn’t say we should brush our teeth until our gums bleed or be so obsessed with germs that we wash our hands one-hundred times a day, or worse, -- invite the government in to get involved in our personal hygiene.
I believe the Bible is the final authority on everything. The Word of God is clear; that He made the Earth for His crowning creature, man. Listen to Genesis 1: 28;
……And God said unto them be fruitful & multiply & replenish the earth & subdue it & have dominion over the fish of the sea & over the fowl of the air & over everything that moveth upon the earth.
This being true, man can’t be the unwelcome villain in the “global warming” brouhaha, intruding in a place where he was never meant to be & spoiling its pristine beauty.
Listen to Psalm 24:1-2;
The earth is the Lords & the fullness thereof; the world & they that dwell therein. For He hath founded it upon the seas & established it upon the floods.
Listen to Genesis 8:22;
While the earth remaineth, seedtime & harvest & cold & heat & summer & winter & day & night shall not cease.
The lion’s share of the global warming scare springs out of humanistic thinking which wants us to bow down & worship material creation. This relegates man to the bottom rung of the ladder, rather than understanding the rank we have on the Earth God created for us and placed us on.
These “high priests” of global climate change want us to bow down before their “God-Mother Earth.” Their “science so-called” which is a selective group of distorted facts are being used to persuade us to “do whatever it takes” to save the Earth. Before we sign on for “whatever it takes,” we’d better use our heads for something besides a hat-rack.
School children are being shown Al Gore’s film, indoctrinated & made to believe that if we don’t radically change our lifestyles we’ll soon be dead & the earth will be a burned out smoldering mass. Even the Disney film Happy Feet used cute little animated penguins to teach kids how humans are endangering the Earth & its wildlife.
The famous picture of the Polar bear & her cub standing on a small piece of melting ice with nowhere to go was taken by Amanda Bird, who when the picture left her hands didn’t know it was going to be used as a propaganda piece. The picture, used by Al Gore in his movie expressed the concern that the bears had reached a dead-end. In truth they weren’t that far from land & Polar bears are good swimmers. Not only that, the picture was taken in August, a time when Ar tic ice is normally melting.
Far be it from me to deign to tell Mr. Gore what to do but it would seem to me his considerable gifts could have been put to better use if he’d gotten upset about the Islamic terrorist who’ve pledged to slit all our throats pretty soon if they aren’t stopped, rather than wander out into the misty moonlight over something that even by his own predictions isn’t coming all that quickly.
If we elect a president like Mr. Gore, who can get excited about global warming but seems to yawn at the idea that we’re a nation at war, God save the Republic.
If the terrorists take one good sized American city off the map with a dirty bomb, and that’s their stated objective, then life as we’ve known it in America disappears forever. Moreover, as far as I can discern, every expert in the field tells us it’s not a matter of if this will happen but when it will happen.
You’ll pardon me if “global warming” isn’t in my hierarchy of urgent concerns at this particular moment. If I’m going to be forced to take a leap of faith & believe experts, I think I’m safer believing the terrorism experts; after all, the Islamic terrorists are wreaking havoc all over the world & we have the avowed future intentions of these monsters on video tape.
While we’re praying, let’s pray about this;--
If, God forbid, there is ever a nuclear exchange between nations & it spreads, we will no longer have to worry about global warming, the Earth will be plunged into a new ICE AGE, [Nuclear Winter] but we won’t be around to freeze.
Some church leaders have signed the Evangelical Climate [ECI] Initiative which has identified global warming as a spiritual issue & urges the United States government to limit greenhouse emissions. They also espouse America’s signing of the KYOTO TREATY for the sake of the world’s poor. Many liberal ministers decades ago were also, sad to say, duped by “so-call scientists” into believing in the error of Darwinism & consequently went wobbly & compromised the biblical record of creation.
Man-made global warming isn’t science, its propaganda. However people who don’t buy into it are treated in many quarters as if they’re “flat-earth” believers & “Holocaust deniers.” Heidi Cullen, the Weather Channel’s climatologist actually suggested that any broadcaster who didn’t except the man-made global warming hypothesis be branded as someone who doesn’t care about the planet or our children.
The Weather Channel is consistently misleading people, especially on its series “It could happen tomorrow.” Recently they had as a guest, a so-called expert on global warming who got beside himself & said the following;
“When we’ve finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are hitting us in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these b------s, [skeptics on global warming] some sort of climate Nuremberg.”
Sounds like he’s ready to start lobbing off heads, doesn’t it?
People in any public position who doubt the veracity of man -made global climate change & dare to express it are subjected to scorn, contempt, censorship, intimidation, & vilification.
As in almost everything else, “Follow the money” in this debate. The global warming industry is a multi-million dollar enterprise employing thousands of people who all have a vested interested in providing desired results to keep the money streams flowing. Researchers who don’t buy into it have little hope of receiving grant money or maintaining any standing in the academic community.
Financial damage could be inflicted on America if we go full-bore into responding to this global warming hoax. Experts predict if we gave full compliance to the KYOTO ACCORDS or any such proposals made by the likes of Al Gore, it would cost the global community over 550 trillion dollars & it would cost the U.S. about 352 billion almost immediately. For starters, Americans would be hit with 35 cents per gallon of gasoline. That would be on top of the over three dollars we’re now paying.
I’m not naively suggesting that man has had absolutely no impact on the planet. But how long has it been since you heard there are more trees on the planet than at anytime in history, because we’ve long since been proactive in planting them?
The man-made global warming issue is essentially being used to promote socialism & to justify more & more government meddling in our private lives. It is also blatant anti-Americanism. It proposes to soldier on until we are so hobbled with all sorts of ecological no-no’s that we can no longer be a robust society leading the world in all things technological.
Perhaps the most recognized body creating worldwide panic about global warming is The United Nations Panel on climate change. Just the name should tell us this isn’t a group of scientists but rather a political body. The attitude of many of the political activists for man-made climate change is usually one of anger. Ask yourself; aren’t bitter, angry & hostile people usually folk connected up to a weak cause?
All Humanistic dogma parades under a banner professing to love humanity but the upshot is that it in the final analysis it degrades humanity. Tragically, global warming is being used to block vital progress in developing countries where the poorest people languish in need of the kind of development global warming decries.
After all [they say,] “we can’t have the “Great Satan,” the United States, used any longer as a template for other emerging countries.” Don’t forget these people believe first & foremost that humans-- far from being God’s creatures given dominion over the Earth are really the criminals in the story.
Let’s keep one thing in mind; the jury is still out on global warming & is spite of all the hype by liberal politicians, the liberal media & radical Hollywood, it hasn’t as yet been proven that greenhouse emissions are the cause of global warming.
From my perspective the following things are true about the global climate change;
a. The earth has always had warming & cooling cycles. What we are seeing is within natural bounds.
b. These changes aren’t so large that they should create worldwide hysteria.
c. We can’t do anything to significantly change this situation.
d. These global changes far & away aren’t the most serious threat to man’s existence on earth.
e. Global warming as we’ve come to know it doesn’t exist & trillions of dollars are being spent & unjustified fears are being fostered with no real scientific justification.
But lest you think I don’t subscribe to any sort of global warming in our future, let me ease your mind about that. The type of global warming I firmly believe in, & Al Gore & his followers had better do some research on is as follows, & is given to us in scintillating detail in the bible.
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Seeing all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation. Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?—2 Peter 3: 9-12
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, behold the tabernacle of God is with men; and He will dwell with them and they shall be His people and God Himself shall be with them and be their God.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
And He that sat upon the throne said, behold I will make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. ---Revelation 21:1-5
But imagine the effect Al Gore could have on this sin-cursed dying world if He’d research the real global warming issue & begin using his fantastic fortune to travel the world in his private jet warning the nations of the real warming that is coming to this Earth.
Paul says in Romans 8:22;
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together now…….
Let’s not forget what will happen after Christ comes back & renovates this Earth with fire. Let Peter continue to teach us;
Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
Wherefore beloved seeing that ye look for such things be diligent that ye may be found of Him in peace, without spot and blameless.
2 Peter 3:13-14
Paul said,
For I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ & Him crucified. 1 Cor. 2:2
Jesus didn’t admonish us to get caught up in social programs to save planet earth. But rather He said;
But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8
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