Saturday, April 21, 2007


By John Stallings

I have read that there are schools in the U.S who punish kids who try to defend themselves when they’re attacked by other students. They are simply told they’re as much of the problem as the attacker, and punished accordingly. I don’t know exactly what the kid is supposed to do in such a case but I assume they are to call for help. My first thought is—lots-o-luck! I personally have never felt that anyone wins a street fight but that’s a far cry from removing a person’s option if not their right to self defense.

I don’t believe there’s a person in this country who agonizes more over the blood spilt in the Iraq war or for that matter any war, than I. By nature I don’t like fights of any kind but by the same token it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that when a people refuse to fight for their rights they inevitably lose them.

Can it be true that the welfare mentality in this country is breeding into us the idea that the Government is supposed to take care of us & if they don’t or can’t then it’s just too bad? The obvious answer is that the government can’t protect us & if we don’t take that responsibility, we’re probably at some point going to be in trouble. Before you judge me and say “well brother, have faith, the Lord will take care of us,” understand that I believe that too, & have lived a lifetime under His divine protection. However there’s a difference in faith and presumption. God thought enough of our brain to wrap a skull around it and He expects us to use it.

Further, Christianity isn’t a pacifist’s religion & we learn by reading God’s Word that sometimes we’re expected to fight. When Peter cut off Malcus’s ear, Jesus put the man’s ear back on but He didn’t take Peter’s sword away from him. Sometimes when Jesus sent the Disciples out He told them to take a sword.

This week the Senate’s Majority leader Harry Reid raised the white flag and told the world that America has lost the war in Iraq & that we don’t have the capability of defeating the terrorists. His exact words were,” The war is lost; the troop surge is not accomplishing anything.” Don’t you just know that Osama broke into a big wide grin when he heard that? Can’t you just hear them saying, “hang on boys, it’s just a matter of time here in Iraq and we can get on with our work in dismantling their homeland.” Does the word ignoramus come to anyone’s mind?

Mr. Reid is helping to assure that our soldiers lose by dragging his feet on sufficiently funding the war. Is this upsetting anyone? No wonder Solomon said “Wisdom is the principle thing.” Where has wisdom gone these days? How hard would it have been for these people to have taken another tack and said, “We don’t agree on everything but we aren’t going to let our boys and girls lose this war? We will fight this thing like we’d fight cancer. Wherever it goes we’ll go get it and burn every vestige of it out of existence.” That’s the way doctors fight cancer & that’s the only way to fight terrorists. Period.

I don’t know what the outcome of this war will be. But I do know this; if Reid and company force us out of Iraq, if we don’t finish the fight, America’s defeat will be assured. Am I only pointing out the obvious when I say that the defeatists in Washington will have to bear the blame?

But what will that kind of conduct portend for us in future confrontations with crazy world leaders who want to bluff and bully us? What if we are blackmailed by a country threatening to blow New York or L.A off the map if we don’t give in to their demands? Will our leaders be so “shell-shocked” and convinced that Americans don’t want any kind of confrontation that they will just surrender our national sovereignty rather than be destroyed?

Has the fight been effectively bred out of us? If I didn’t turn that over to God I wouldn’t be sleeping much these nights. I’m sleeping very well.


1 comment:

Ronni Hall said...

I got kicked out of college for defending myself. Go figure.

Thank God He is a Just God.