Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why I'll Vote For Mitt Romney

By John Stallings

Boxer Rocky Balboa uttered this choice bit of street wisdom in one of the Rocky movies… “It’s not how hard you can hit, but how hard you can be hit and keep moving forward.”

If ever that bit of wisdom fit, it was in the third Obama/Romney debate. The President landed blow after snarky blow on Romney, but Romney shook them off and moved forward.

I’m still trying to figure out what the look on Obama’s face was all about and it got worse as the evening went on. His cold stare in Romney’s direction wasn’t unlike a “Death Stare.”

Then there was Obama’s occasional smile reminiscent of Joe Biden’s debate with Paul Ryan.

Just about everyone has an “explanation.” for why Mr. Romney took it easy on President Obama in the last debate. Me thinks it was a strategy based on Rocky’s sage advice; “It’s not how hard…well, you know. We’ll soon know if Romney was right to take this advice. In my heart of hearts, I feel he was.

As I watched the three Presidential debates I made a mental note of some of the many things I like about Mitt Romney, that in my view make him very likely to be our next President. Here are a few, not necessarily in order the of their importance…

Romney knows how to dress. I don’t know who gets the credit for this. This I do know; I thought I knew how to dress until I got married. That’s when I was introduced to the term “too busy” a term referring to wrong coupling of plaids and stripes - [I think.] I also learned that people can discern the difference in a black/blue and dark brown sock.

Notice that big, wide smile of Romney’s? One thing our nation's leader needs is a confident smile. A confident smile says, "I know what I'm doing," to the doubters who think Romney would not make a good leader. And his smile also says to the negative world around us, "Let's be peaceful, but don’t be fooled in thinking that niceness is a sign of weakness. Don’t get your name on our list.” I like that in a president.

Mitt Romney is an all-American man. See the American flag in the background? His not being ashamed to pose with our flag is another strong reason that foreign countries would respect him as President of the United States.

Romney looks the part of a president; Smooth, polished, easy to approach from the elite to the lowest. I haven’t yet seen him appear on a public platform with a tacky pair of rumpled britches.  Mitt can “talk the talk, and he can “walk the walk.” I don’t usually compliment men because most of us are rather homely- but I like Mitt’s hairstyle too.

Another thing I like is the timber of his speaking voice. Romney can be serious if need be. Behind that smile, is the face of a serious candidate who wants to rebuild our country.

Romney can also count. His expertise in numbers will go a long way when he’s faced with balancing our budget and other monumental tasks that accompany the Office of The President.

Being good with mathematics is a plus for Mitt. If he knew nothing about numbers, he might embarrass himself in a State of The Union Message. But that is a useless worry. Romney is a numbers man.

Romney has lived a life of faithful commitment to his family and his church. He doesn’t talk about this much, probably because his Mormon faith is unfamiliar to many Americans. Some view it with suspicion. As for me, I’m impressed that Romney lives his faith through service and significant financial contributions, and he apparently demonstrated great caring and compassion as a church leader. As you already know many other great true stories could be told.

Romney will not be moved by the latest polls or the most effective lobbyists. He serves something greater than himself --and it’s important for a President to know that.

Mitt Romney has extensive experience making executive decisions. As governor of Massachusetts and in the private sector, Romney had to make tough choices affecting people’s jobs, lives and futures, preparing him for the world’s highest executive office. Too often Obama has sublet decision- making to Congress/Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi with the bad results we saw in the trillion-dollar “Porkulus bill,” the massive mess of the ObamaCare law and the dysfunctional Dodd-Frank financial reforms.

Romney specializes in turnarounds — and Washington is in desperate need of a dramatic turnaround. When he arrived at the Salt Lake City Olympics, the organization was in chaos, in debt and tarnished by scandal. He turned it around, unifying those with competing interests and turned the games into a financial and diplomatic success.

Romney did this in the private sector as well, rescuing a number of struggling companies and bringing them back to profitability and growth, creating many new jobs in the process.

Romney knows the No. 1 issue is jobs and the economy — and Romney understands how jobs are created and how government policies affect economic growth. Under Obama, America not only has too-high unemployment and too-low growth, but it also now has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. It also faces the prospect of job-killing record individual tax increases at the end of 2012.

Recently the President was asked if he in any way regretted spending so much time on ObamaCare when jobs seemed to be the predominate issue and his answer was…NO!!!

I  saw a poll which said 69% of likely voters believe the next election will change their lives for the better. That sounds like Romney to me.

Folk who know Romney well say he’s a good listener — another important quality in a president. He needs to be able to consider advice from a wide range of experts on a given subject to make informed decisions.

Though the Democrats have spent tens of millions to seek to establish false ideas about him, Romney’s been steady, well-organized and disciplined throughout the primary process. I’m convinced he’s the leader America needs to restore our confidence, our economy and our leadership in the world.

Maybe I’m a little redundant here but--Mitt Romney can talk with the best orators in the land. Whether it’s on Face The Nation or Meet The Press or on some corner in Chicago, Romney can talk fluently about economic, military, social, and educational facts. This helps.

 And I have noticed that Mitt seldom uses, "uhh," or "now let me see," to stall for time as he thinks up an answer to a question. Being able to talk professionally is a plus for an American president. I give Mitt points for his talking abilities. And Mitt can read too.

Romney has a razor sharp sense of humor. When asked by Newt Gingrich [and I like Newt] about his tax returns, Mitt smiled and said, "I will release them Tuesday," and moved on, stunning Newt with his comedic comeback. Any president of our country needs a good sense of humor, and especially be able to laugh at himself.

Former president, John F. Kennedy scored huge ratings with his comment on the launching of a NASA rocket, "there goes the payroll," when he was to say, "Payload." This fau pax got lots of laughs from the crowd. Mitt will not be a stranger to humor or -good-humor.

Recently Mitt and his team were playing touch football on a Florida beach and before the game started Mitt said, tongue in cheek; “by the way, don’t worry about injuries, just don’t get hurt.” To me that’s funny.

Have you noticed Mitt's big hands? Romney would have made a great quarterback. His big hands are a sign that he is a worker, and can tackle political or social problems in our country. I like that in a president. It’s been said; “never trust a president or any politician who doesn't show his hands in public." But showing hands and talking with hands is a world apart. Mitt doesn't talk with his hands. I like that.

Say what you will, when Mitt Romney is right -he’s right. In several question and answer sessions across our country, some political reporters have asked him some tough questions. To their chagrin, Mitt answered them like a pro, like he was already in the Oval Office. George W. Bush was like that; able to answer the tough questions that are on the minds of Americans. Amazing.

Mitt Romney looks people (and problems) straight in the eye. Never backs down. Notice him next time he is being questioned-- he seldom looks down, or off in the distance, two signals that an individual isn’t sure of himself. Mitt knows the score. He's on top of his game. You can trust a man (or woman) who makes fast eye-contact, talks to you like you are a human and isn’t dismissive.

Mitt Romney is always smiling. Happy. Upbeat. I appreciate that in a president. Don't you? I had much rather have a smiling, laughing, even joking president than a 'doom-and-gloom' leader who seldom smiles or laughs.

Notice other politicians and see how much less they laugh or joke. The Office of President is a serious job, but not all of the time. Much as a Pastor with his congregation I think that the atmosphere in our country is set by whatever attitude our leader shows. If he's happy, then we’ll tend to be happy.

The oldest, most significant question asked voters is; “Is the country on the right or wrong track?” No incumbent should be underwater on this question–including candidates for dog catcher–if he/she expects to be elected. For more than two years, across the board, voter response to this central question has consistently been greater than 2 to one-America is currently on the wrong track.”

Research says that one of the profound negative metrics or indicators in a presidential campaign is a President who cannot hit 50 percent approval among voters. Obama has consistently failed to reach 50 percent in over two years. Romney has recently reached 50% approval and passed it.

Let’s talk Economy/Jobs. Under Obama, the nation’s performance in this area suffers. People know it. I can’t say Obama can’t get elected with these numbers, but experts tell me nobody ever has.

I’m not a pollster nor the son of one but everything I dig up about this election is based exclusively on polls, which despite enjoying great popularity among the public -aren’t always dependable. There are a few pollsters in America who keep it real.

There is nothing so common and useless in American media/politics than inept polls. Good polls, by good pollsters, are very difficult to produce and very expensive.

Why are many polls inaccurate? Of 100 Americans eligible to vote, only approx. 1/3 of us turn out.  So when you talk to non-voters you get non-results. Sorry to say, bad pollsters don’t care about that minor detail! They want a headline.

Bottom line, the majority of polls we see are leading us wrong. The results of 10 bad polls, yields one bad average.

The Real polling is being done in strictest confidence by top pollsters, at a cost of $1Million-plus Per Month! Others pay about the same as your monthly electric bill.

Think that affects quality of results?

Most polls/pollsters showing Obama ahead are wrong. Demonstrably wrong, intentional Obama propaganda. The media won’t report it, because the media is the culprit. IMO If you want good polls listen to Fox News and check out Doug Schoen, Scott Rasmussen, or Pat Caddell.

Watch for the “Silent Majority.” Many people are intimidated at work, among friends and in public to express a pro-Romney viewpoint – inasmuch as that equals an “anti-Obama” viewpoint. Which of course equals a “racist opinion.”

Ask yourself: how many men and women just clam up at public gatherings rather than be labeled ‘racist?’

I heard Ann Coulter tell the story of a man who brought home a Romney lawn sign, in reaction to which his wife recoiled in horror, saying “You’re not going to put THAT on our lawn! Everyone will think we’re Racists!”

No, we’re against Obama, his programs and socialism, and for Romney. While we may shy away from lawn signs, we do – and will – vote robustly.

Watch the “undecideds." They’re out there and will in my opinion vote for Romney.

As the Vegas odds maker Wayne Allyn Root declares, while I’m sure his mouth isn’t a prayer book, -no person who voted for McCain in 2008 will be voting for Obama. Right there, Romney has, I think –over 40 million votes.

Moreover, a greater percent of Romney supporters are going to turn out than Obama voters. In 2008, there was a gap between Republican and Democrat voter turn out. In a 4 percent race, that made the difference. In 2012, there again will be a big turn out gap. This time, it’s ours.

My feeling is- “Mitt-mentum” will amplify this result. It will parachute in unannounced and subtle as a mule kick –go for Romney.

It looks to me that unless Obama changes the fundamental dynamic of this campaign, he loses this election. Look at the size/enthusiasm of the candidate crowds over the past several days.

Guess what? Though Romney may not have had a dramatic knockout like some of us would have liked to have seen, voters suddenly saw and embraced the real Mitt Romney – the difference between Obama Night and Romney Daylight.

Remember the old Obama pre-election jargon- “under new management”?

This will be true of The United States of America, in roughly two weeks.

May God bless us in the coming election and may God bless our beloved America!!!!



P.S—Be sure to vote!